Long-term plan documents, videos and translations

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The documents, videos and translations on this page refer to our proposals for the long-term plan before it was adopted in June 2024.

Visit Long-term Plan 2024-2034 documents on the Auckland Council website for all volumes of our adopted long-term plan documents.

Consultation documents

Mayoral Proposal

Accessible documents and videos

Translated summary documents and videos

Long-term plan video

Read the full transcript for this video.

The documents, videos and translations on this page refer to our proposals for the long-term plan before it was adopted in June 2024.

Visit Long-term Plan 2024-2034 documents on the Auckland Council website for all volumes of our adopted long-term plan documents.

Consultation documents

Mayoral Proposal

Accessible documents and videos

Translated summary documents and videos

Long-term plan video

Read the full transcript for this video.

Page last updated: 11 Jul 2024, 03:58 PM