Waitākere Ranges Local Board I Te Poari ā-Rohe o Te Ika Whenua o Waitākere

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Consultation has concluded

Family watching performer on stilts during Kauri Karnival

This consultation closed on 13 August 2020. Thank you for having your say.

If you have any further questions/comments at this time please email us at: waitakererangeslocalboard@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

This consultation closed on 13 August 2020. Thank you for having your say.

If you have any further questions/comments at this time please email us at: waitakererangeslocalboard@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Consultation has concluded
  • Phase two - Waitākere Ranges plan update

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    This consultation closed on 13 August 2020. Thank you for having your say.

    In total we received 159 pieces of feedback, including:

    • 101 submissions through the online survey tool

    • 55 hard copy submissions

    • Three pieces of social media feedback.

    Key feedback themes

    • general statements of approval and support for the board
    • support for the plan’s environmental aspirations
    • we heard much about the loss of recreational opportunities within regional parks due to the closure of the tracks.
    • Overall, 35 per cent of submitters felt the plan would help the community recover from the impact of COVID-19, while 33 per cent did not. The remaining submitters were unsure. Submitters were then asked what more could be done to help communities recover. The most common responses focused on the creation/promotion of community initiatives and events, and investment in local services and infrastructure

    Changes made as a result of feedback

    • A small number of submissions noted a desire to see differing types of environmental actions listed separately. Initiatives in Outcome 3, We work to respect, protect, and restore the environment, have been expanded to include a wider range of environmental actions relevant to this local board area
    • We have limited ability as a local board to address issues with regional parks access. However, we have strengthened the language within the document to acknowledge local concerns about impacts on access. The board will consider how recreation is provided for in local parks while protecting our Kauri.
    • Building an attractive town square with pedestrian access to the train station remains a major long-term infrastructure project and, at the time of writing, requires additional funding and resource to proceed. Some text within the plan has been updated to reflect the current state.

    What happens next

    • All consultation is now complete. Your feedback has been used to inform the local board plan.
    • The Waitākere Ranges Local Board adopted their Local Board Plan on 12 November 2020 and it will be available online from end November.

    More information

    If you have any questions related to this project, email us.

  • Phase one - Waitākere Ranges plan update

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    supporting image

    Thank you to everyone who shared ideas, insights and gave feedback on what the Waitākere Ranges Local Board should include in their next three-year plan. It has been great to hear from you and see your creative ideas and passion for your communities and neighbourhoods.

    Who we heard from

    We supported, attended and led 12 local opportunities to hear from our communities, including events in collaboration with organisations such as the Glen Eden Methodist Church and Radio Waatea. We also gathered ideas and feedback from the community at six local events held to discuss the Annual Budget in February and early March.

    We heard many of your views face to face at the Waitangi Day celebrations at Hoani Waititi marae, and at the Bethells Beach - Te Henga Community Day. We surveyed local residents through the Auckland People's Panel, and gathered your ideas here on our ideas hub.

    In total we received over 700 contributions from around 600 people.

    What you said

    These are some of the key themes we heard from all the feedback received:

    • you love the Waitākere Ranges - the flora, fauna, amenities, walking and enjoying the surrounding green-space. You want the board to maintain, protect and secure its heritage and unique environment for future generations, and would like to access funding for community-led environmental programmes
    • food resilience and sustainability is a priority. Many of our residents are well known for living sustainable lifestyles, and there is high interest in community gardens, composting and reducing food waste
    • climate change is a priority and you want more opportunities to be involved in decision making around climate action
    • Māori want to be recognised as partners in decision making and reminded us of the importance of an engagement process that works for them. Hoani Waititi marae is a valuable resource for our community and its continued support is vital
    • you told us to recognise and celebrate the wide range of people living in the Waitākere Ranges area. You want programmes, initiatives and events that reflect the diversity of our communities, including Māori, Pasifika, young people, and ethnic groups.
    • harness and support the creative power of our residents - our community is home to many artists and creatives and you value the contribution they make. Diverse ethnic groups want opportunities to showcase their unique talents in contemporary spaces such as Te Uru Gallery.

    Our draft plan will aim to address these priorities. Some of the suggestions were operational rather than strategic e.g. maintenance of x park, and these have been passed on to the relevant teams across council.

    What happens next?

    All 21 of Auckland’s Local Boards are developing their new 2020 Local Board Plans based on what we heard and other inputs such as the Auckland Plan 2050, Long Term Plan, and Annual Budget.

    We have yet to fully determine the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our communities and it may mean some of our plans and aspirations may need to change as a result. Our response will be delivered via the annual budgeting process but the decisions we make will focus on ensuring the benefits for our community.

    In July we will come back to you with an opportunity to have your say on the draft Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan. We will be back in touch when phase two opens.