Hibiscus and Bays Local Board I Te Poari a Rohe o Hibiscus and Bays

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Consultation has concluded

Young children sat on a wooden climbing frame in a playground

This consultation closed on 13 August 2020. Thank you for having your say.

If you have any further questions/comments at this time please email us at: hibiscusandbayslocalboard@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Love local, get vocal and help shape the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Plan 2020 - 2023

The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board has come up with a three-year plan outlining the key initiatives we want to focus on to help our communities thrive and support the recovery from the impacts of COVID-19.

This consultation closed on 13 August 2020. Thank you for having your say.

If you have any further questions/comments at this time please email us at: hibiscusandbayslocalboard@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Love local, get vocal and help shape the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Plan 2020 - 2023

The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board has come up with a three-year plan outlining the key initiatives we want to focus on to help our communities thrive and support the recovery from the impacts of COVID-19.

Consultation has concluded
  • Phase two - Hibiscus and Bays Project Update

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    Thank you for your feedback on the draft Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Plan.

    We received 539 pieces of feedback from a combination of our online forum, social media, quick polling and at our three in-person library sessions held at East Coast Bays Library, Whangaparāoa Library and Ōrewa Library. This feedback provided valuable insights from individuals and groups across our area.

    Adopting the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Plan 2020

    The final Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Plan 2020 was adopted on the 5 November 2020. The agenda, minutes and text for the plan can be found on the council website. The final plan, including formatting and photographs, will be uploaded to the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board page on the Auckland Council website early next year.

    The five plan outcomes are:

    1. A connected community
    2. A strong local economy
    3. A protected and enhanced environment
    4. Open spaces to enjoy
    5. Transport choices

    Submitters showed overall support for the plan, with 78% of submissions reacting positively. In addition, submitters provided the following feedback:

    • would like a plan that acknowledges our diverse demographics including the ageing and multi-cultural population
    • support the plan’s environmental outcomes and seek additional commitment to water quality measures, and low-toxin methods to weed management
    • support for Penlink including four-lanes, a northern on-ramp, and the preservation of the remnant bush in the Archers Block, following completion of construction of the project

    What’s next: Auckland Council’s 10-year budget

    As well as helping us develop our local board plan for the next three years, and the work programmes to deliver it, your feedback also helps us to advocate on issues facing Hibiscus and Bays.

    You are welcome to have your say on the 10-year budget (Long-term Plan), where we will be advocating on behalf of Hibiscus and Bays for the:

    • funding and delivery of the next phase of the Ōrewa Beach Esplanade Enhancement Project
    • equitable regional funding for local arts, culture and community centres
    • allocation of sufficient funding to ensure that the Regional Land Transport Plan can continue to fund the Local Board Transport Capital Fund, the Community Safety Fund and the Glenvar/East Coast roads improvement project.

    You can help support our advocacy items by having your say on the 10-year budget (Long-term Plan) from 22 February to 22 March 2021.

    Nga mihi

    Gary Brown
    Hibiscus and Bays Local Board

  • Phase one- Hibiscus plan update

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    supporting image

    Thank you to everyone who shared ideas, insights and gave feedback on what the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board should include in the next three-year plan. It has been great to hear from you and see your creative ideas and passion for your communities and this special part of Auckland.

    Who we heard from

    We met with local community organisations including our Business Associations and Business Improvement Districts, Restore Hibiscus and Bays Environmental Network groups, and clubs/community groups where we heard from a cross section of people from young people to older adults.

    We heard many of your views face to face at the Birdman Competition in Murrays Bay, and staff from our Community Empowerment team held three inter-generational events. We also heard your ideas and comments here on our online idea’s hub.

    In total we received contributions to the plan from over 140 people.

    What you said

    These are some of the key themes we heard from the feedback we received:

    • you value our environment, open spaces, beaches and waterways and want us to protect our environment from animal and plant pests
    • you want projects implemented from the Town Centre Plans
    • you want ongoing support for our community groups
    • you want the board to advocate for better public transport connections
    • you want playgrounds and parks that are protected with well placed trees or shade sails

    What happens next?

    All 21 of Auckland’s Local Boards are developing their new 2020 Local Board Plans based on what we heard and other inputs such as the Auckland Plan 2050, Long Term Plan, and Annual Budget.

    We have yet to fully determine the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our communities and it may mean some of our plans and aspirations may need to change as a result. Our response will be delivered via the annual budgeting process but the decisions we make will focus on ensuring the benefits for our community.

    In July we will come back to you with an opportunity to have your say on the draft Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Plan. We will be back in touch when phase two opens.

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