North Harbour Stadium precinct

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The North Harbour Stadium precinct is owned and operated by Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (TAU) on behalf of Auckland Council.

The main stadium at the North Harbour Stadium precinct is the least-used facility in the Auckland outdoor regional stadium network.

We are considering the future of the stadium due to:

  • low usage and attendance
  • the high cost to run the stadium and fund upgrades.

We want your feedback on options for the stadium precinct.

What we propose

We propose three options for the future of the stadium.

Option one

To keep things as they are and invest in essential renewals of $33 million over 10 years. This will help maintain the stadium's assets and resources.

This option would see no changes to current service levels other than those that might happen through any change in how the stadium precinct is operated and managed (option three).

Option two

To redevelop the precinct to provide better facilities and recreation services for the North Shore community and the greater Auckland region.

We would fund this option through:

  • using the $33 million funding we have to renew the current precinct
  • selling some of precinct land while keeping the existing community playing fields
  • any other available external funding.

This option could include deconstructing the existing stadium and would require a capital (asset) investment of up to $33 million. If parts of the precinct land were sold off, some of these funds could be used for redevelopment.

Deconstruction explained

Deconstruction is similar to demolition but involves the careful dismantling and removing of building parts (such as fixtures, fittings and materials) without causing damage to materials. This is so the materials can be re-used, repurposed or recycled to avoid being sent to landfill.

Effects on service levels

With this option, service levels would likely improve through providing better customer experiences. This will depend on decisions made for this long-term plan and from any future public consultations.

Advisory group

An advisory group of North Harbour Stadium partners and community representatives would develop options for the potential redevelopment of the stadium should the council go ahead with option two as a result of this consultation.

We would then run a separate public consultation for Aucklanders to leave feedback on any proposed changes for the stadium.

Option three

Change how we operate and manage the North Harbour Stadium to:

  • improve cost efficiencies (save money)
  • improve community access to the stadium's facilities
  • improve the overall use of the stadium
  • reduce costs to the ratepayer.

The options to do this could:

  • see Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (TAU) or another operator manage the stadium to maximise opportunities and efficiently operate Auckland’s regional outdoor stadium network
  • see management of the community fields transferred to the council while TAU or another operator continue to operate the stadium and community facilities
  • see TAU appoint a community-based operator or trust to manage both the community fields, the stadium and community facilities.

The costs to change how we operate and manage the stadium depends on if option one or two is the preferred option.

Effects on service levels

With this option, changes to levels of service depend on any changes we make to how we operate and manage the stadium.

Read more about each option on page 651 of the Long-term Plan Supporting Information.

Long-term Plan Supporting Information [PDF 11MB]

Albany Stadium Pool

Albany Stadium Pool is located in the North Harbour Stadium precinct.

We are not proposing any changes to the pool facility.

Relationship with Māori

Mana whenua will be consulted with on this proposal.

Decorative image of a sports stadium.

You should know

The information on this page is an edited version of the proposed Long-term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document.

For more information about our proposals for North Harbour Stadium Precinct, see page 104 of the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document [PDF 17MB].

The North Harbour Stadium precinct is owned and operated by Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (TAU) on behalf of Auckland Council.

The main stadium at the North Harbour Stadium precinct is the least-used facility in the Auckland outdoor regional stadium network.

We are considering the future of the stadium due to:

  • low usage and attendance
  • the high cost to run the stadium and fund upgrades.

We want your feedback on options for the stadium precinct.

What we propose

We propose three options for the future of the stadium.

Option one

To keep things as they are and invest in essential renewals of $33 million over 10 years. This will help maintain the stadium's assets and resources.

This option would see no changes to current service levels other than those that might happen through any change in how the stadium precinct is operated and managed (option three).

Option two

To redevelop the precinct to provide better facilities and recreation services for the North Shore community and the greater Auckland region.

We would fund this option through:

  • using the $33 million funding we have to renew the current precinct
  • selling some of precinct land while keeping the existing community playing fields
  • any other available external funding.

This option could include deconstructing the existing stadium and would require a capital (asset) investment of up to $33 million. If parts of the precinct land were sold off, some of these funds could be used for redevelopment.

Deconstruction explained

Deconstruction is similar to demolition but involves the careful dismantling and removing of building parts (such as fixtures, fittings and materials) without causing damage to materials. This is so the materials can be re-used, repurposed or recycled to avoid being sent to landfill.

Effects on service levels

With this option, service levels would likely improve through providing better customer experiences. This will depend on decisions made for this long-term plan and from any future public consultations.

Advisory group

An advisory group of North Harbour Stadium partners and community representatives would develop options for the potential redevelopment of the stadium should the council go ahead with option two as a result of this consultation.

We would then run a separate public consultation for Aucklanders to leave feedback on any proposed changes for the stadium.

Option three

Change how we operate and manage the North Harbour Stadium to:

  • improve cost efficiencies (save money)
  • improve community access to the stadium's facilities
  • improve the overall use of the stadium
  • reduce costs to the ratepayer.

The options to do this could:

  • see Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (TAU) or another operator manage the stadium to maximise opportunities and efficiently operate Auckland’s regional outdoor stadium network
  • see management of the community fields transferred to the council while TAU or another operator continue to operate the stadium and community facilities
  • see TAU appoint a community-based operator or trust to manage both the community fields, the stadium and community facilities.

The costs to change how we operate and manage the stadium depends on if option one or two is the preferred option.

Effects on service levels

With this option, changes to levels of service depend on any changes we make to how we operate and manage the stadium.

Read more about each option on page 651 of the Long-term Plan Supporting Information.

Long-term Plan Supporting Information [PDF 11MB]

Albany Stadium Pool

Albany Stadium Pool is located in the North Harbour Stadium precinct.

We are not proposing any changes to the pool facility.

Relationship with Māori

Mana whenua will be consulted with on this proposal.

Decorative image of a sports stadium.

You should know

The information on this page is an edited version of the proposed Long-term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document.

For more information about our proposals for North Harbour Stadium Precinct, see page 104 of the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document [PDF 17MB].

Page last updated: 20 Jun 2024, 12:16 PM