Kaipātiki Local Board area
In the 2024/2025 financial year we plan to invest $6.3 million to renew and develop assets (resources we own). we also plan to invest $22.4 million to maintain and operate assets and deliver local activities.
In this long-term plan, local boards have more responsibility for decisions about local assets and services than in previous years.
This includes making decisions about which assets (such as parks and community halls) and services (such as libraries) we should prioritise with funds allocated by the Governing Body.
Some funding decisions are not the responsibility of a local board and in such cases the board can:
- ask the Governing Body to consider funding from its long-term plan budget
- ask a council-controlled organisation (such as Auckland Transport) to deliver the service during the 10 years of the long-term plan.
Kaipātiki Local Board priorities for 2024-2034
The Kaipātiki Local Board proposed priorities for its area for the next 10 years. These priorities depend on funding from the Governing Body.
They are to:
- implement the Birkenhead War Memorial Park Masterplan
- deliver the multipurpose Northcote Community and Golf Hub alongside the upgrade to Puāwai/Cadness Reserve
- deliver the priorities set out in the Kaipātiki Connections Network Plan. (Visit Kaipātiki plans, agreements and reports for more information.)
Priorities for Kaipātiki outside of local board decisions
Priorities that require funding outside of a local board need a decision from the Governing Body or a council-controlled organisation.
These priorities are to:
- receive sufficient funding to maintain our community facilities and services
- invest in Kaipātiki’s coastal assets
- invest in infrastructure that can support quality, compact and climate resilient urban developments
- increase resources for compliance enforcement teams who make sure resource consent conditions are followed
- improve the bus and ferry services in Kaipātiki
- continue investing regional targeted rates (like the National Environment Targeted Rate and Water quality rate) in Kaipātiki
- work to reduce flooding of Wairau Valley
- increase regional funding to support sports in the community.
What we propose for Kaipātiki
For the financial year 2024/2025, we plan to deliver key projects, activities and changes to services.
These are to:
- invest in the maintenance and renewal of our parks, playgrounds, recreation facilities and other public spaces so they continue to meet our communities needs
- support a community-led approach for the delivery of services that connect the community
- support environmental groups, community volunteers and our communities to carry out environmental restoration projects like stream clean-ups, planting native plants on waterway edges (riparian) and pest control
- start implementing the Mini Shoreline Adaptation Plan for the Little Shoal Bay / Te Wai Manawa to address the issues caused by flooding and seawater inundation (overflow)
- support a community climate activation programme
- support and enhance community initiatives identified in the Kaipātiki Climate Action Plan. (Visit Kaipātiki plans, agreements and reports for more information)
- build relationships with local iwi and mataawaka groups (Māori living in the Auckland region who are not in a mana whenua group) so that Kaipātiki is rich with Māori identity and culture.
You should know
The information on this page is an edited version of the proposed Long-term Plan 2024-2034.
For more information, see page 113 of the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document [PDF 17MB].