In the 2024/2025 financial year we plan to invest $12.6 million to renew and develop assets (resources we own). We also plan to invest $33.2 million to maintain and operate assets and deliver local activities.
In this long-term plan, local boards have more responsibility for decisions about local assets and services than in previous years.
This includes making decisions about which assets (such as parks and community halls) and services (such as libraries) we should prioritise with funds allocated by the Governing Body.
Some funding decisions are not the responsibility of a local board and in such cases the board can:
- ask the Governing Body to consider funding from its long-term plan budget
- ask a council-controlled organisation (such as Auckland Transport) to deliver the service during the 10 years of the long-term plan.
Henderson-Massey priorities for 2024-2034
The Henderson-Massey Local Board proposed a number of priorities for its area for the next 10 years. These priorities depend on funding from the Governing Body.
They are to:
- our people – support initiatives that increase safety and wellbeing in our communities
- our environment – continue to implement the Henderson-Massey Urban Ngahere Action Plan, and invest in climate response initiatives to reduce transport emissions (visit Henderson-Massey plans, agreements and reports for more information)
- our community – support new and innovative ways to deliver events, programmes and activities that reflect and celebrate our diverse communities
- our places – progress opportunities to connect neighbourhoods with paths and walkways
- our economy – support local community organisations to deliver economic development initiatives.
Priorities for Henderson-Massey outside of local board decisions
Priorities that require funding outside of a local board need a decision from the Governing Body or a council-controlled organisation.
These priorities are to:
- secure additional funding from the Climate Action Transport Targeted Rate (CATTR) or Natural Environment Targeted Rate (NETR) to increase urban ngahere (forest) planting
- receive funding from the Climate Action Targeted Rate for the Kelston to New Lynn Cycle Focus Area project and increase the connected cycle network from Henderson-Massey to the central city (see Streets for People projects 2021–2024)
- receive funding in the council’s long-term plan for community recovery and resilience in response to the ongoing effects of the flooding and damage caused by Cyclone Gabrielle
- continue our funding partnership with the government to complete the Te Whau Pathway Project.
What we propose for Henderson-Massey
Key areas of spend for Henderson-Massey 2024/2025
For the financial year 2024/2025, we plan to deliver key projects, activities and changes to services.
These are:
- create opportunities that support connection, diversity and inclusion in our community
- focus on initiatives that increase tree canopy cover, improve water health and provide for resilient and low carbon communities across Henderson-Massey
- ensure the maintenance and development of ‘fit-for-purpose’ local services and spaces that meet the needs of our diverse communities
- support initiatives that improve walking and cycling opportunities
- continue to support the Western Initiative to deliver the Youth Connections programme.
You should know
The information on this page is an edited version of the proposed Long-term Plan 2024-2034.
For more information, see page 110 of the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document [PDF 17MB].