Franklin Local Board | Te Poari ā-Rohe o Franklin

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The Franklin Local Board Plan 2023 has been adopted.

To find the current local board plan, visit your local board's page.

Local board plans are strategic three-year plans based on community feedback.

Local boards can now make more decisions about services and facilities in their area.

However, the cost of living and providing these services has gone up, along with the costs of borrowing money and doing business.

The impact of Auckland’s recent storm events has also affected how much money is available.

We are responding to these challenges in our local board plan by doing things differently and prioritising spending.

Five key focus areas

The key aspects of local board plans are:

  • Our people: supporting people in our diverse communities.
  • Our environment: protecting our natural environment.
  • Our community: supporting community participation with our services and infrastructure.
  • Our places: supporting our growth, development, transport and accessibility.
  • Our economy: supporting our economic development.

We are working to include these five strategic areas into our climate mitigation and our legal obligations to Māori.

Watch a video about the draft Franklin Local Board Plan 2023.

What happens next

We will report any final changes based on community feedback.

Join our online community

Sign in or register now.

The Franklin Local Board Plan 2023 has been adopted.

To find the current local board plan, visit your local board's page.

Local board plans are strategic three-year plans based on community feedback.

Local boards can now make more decisions about services and facilities in their area.

However, the cost of living and providing these services has gone up, along with the costs of borrowing money and doing business.

The impact of Auckland’s recent storm events has also affected how much money is available.

We are responding to these challenges in our local board plan by doing things differently and prioritising spending.

Five key focus areas

The key aspects of local board plans are:

  • Our people: supporting people in our diverse communities.
  • Our environment: protecting our natural environment.
  • Our community: supporting community participation with our services and infrastructure.
  • Our places: supporting our growth, development, transport and accessibility.
  • Our economy: supporting our economic development.

We are working to include these five strategic areas into our climate mitigation and our legal obligations to Māori.

Watch a video about the draft Franklin Local Board Plan 2023.

What happens next

We will report any final changes based on community feedback.

Join our online community

Sign in or register now.

Page last updated: 16 Nov 2023, 02:29 PM