Upper Harbour Local Board

In 2025/2026 we plan to invest $6.9 million in capital spend to renew and develop our assets (resources we own). We also plan to invest $20.4 million to maintain and operate these assets and deliver local activities (operating spend).

These amounts include $1.8 million extra capital spend as part of the council's 'fairer funding for local boards' model as set out in the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 (10-year budget).

Key areas of spend for 2025/2026

Areas of spend Planned capital spend Planned operating spend

Community services

$6.9 million

$18.3 million

Environmental services

Does not apply


Planning services

Does not apply



Does not apply

$1 million


$6.9 million

$20.4 million

What we propose for the Upper Harbour Local Board area in 2025/2026

In the 2025/2026 financial year, we plan to:

  • invest in infrastructure and quality open spaces in areas that are affected by growth and intensification increased number of people, services and housing such as Whenuapai
  • continue to prioritise support for our local community organisations and volunteers to deliver outcomes that provide residents with a sense of belonging, wellbeing and resilience
  • continue to prioritise investment in services and facilities that provide our communities with access to a high-quality range of opportunities for:
    • active sports, play and recreation
    • pathways and connections
    • connections with nature
  • funding through facilities grants to help us develop, improve and renovate non-council-owned community facilities in our area
  • improve signage in our area to help our communities easily find and enjoy our assets like pools and leisure centres, parks and sports fields
  • provide funding to develop a vision and plan for the future North Harbour Stadium and Domain Precinct.

Priorities for our key activities and services

We want your feedback about what is most important to you so we can:

  • prioritise investment in higher priority areas
  • address rising costs by possibly reducing investment in lower priority areas.

Our key activities and services are:

  • local arts and cultural activities including programmes and events at arts and community centres
  • activities for young people
  • community climate action and sustainability activities like:
    • environmental restoration and pest control
    • activities for volunteers
  • strategy and planning for local parks
  • sports and park programmes, events and activities
  • activities and grants for community development and support, including community programmes and services
  • opening hours and services at libraries, pools and leisure facilities
  • activities to improve local water quality and to minimise local waste.

Have your say

What do you think about our priorities and proposals for the Upper Harbour Local Board area?

You should know

The information on this page is an edited version of the proposed Annual Plan 2025/2026.

For more information, see section 1.17 of the Annual Plan Supporting Information Document [PDF 7.7MB].

Illustration of three people unloading crates of vegetables from a truck next to five other people standing at stalls selling baked goods, vegetables and clothes.