Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board
In 2025/2026 we plan to invest $8.5 million in capital spend to renew and develop our assets (resources we own). We also plan to invest $24.6 million to maintain and operate these assets and deliver local activities (operating spend).
These amounts include $1 million extra capital spend as part of the council's 'fairer funding for local boards' model as set out in the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 (10-year budget).
Key areas of spend for 2025/2026
Areas of spend | Planned capital spend | Planned operating spend |
Community services |
$8.5 million |
$22.1 million |
Environmental services |
Does not apply |
$300,000 |
Planning services |
Does not apply |
$1 million |
Governance |
Does not apply |
$1.2 million |
Total |
$8.5 million |
$24.6 million |
What we propose for the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board area in 2025/2026
In the 2025/2026 financial year, we plan to:
- ensure Māori culture and the values of mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) are visible in public spaces
- address safety concerns in neighbourhoods, popular areas and town centres
- deliver better local economic outcomes
- support small businesses to be more environmentally sustainable
- progress planning to address community service needs in Old Papatoetoe
- support local environment groups to work with community volunteers to clean, manage and plant our local reserves and open spaces
- plan to deliver more facilities at Te Pae o Manukau / Manukau Sports Bowl and Velodrome.
Priorities for our key activities and services
We want your feedback about what is most important to you so we can:
- prioritise investment in higher priority areas
- address rising costs by possibly reducing investment in lower priority areas.
Our key activities and services are:
- local arts and culture activities including programmes and events at arts and community centres
- community climate action and sustainability activities
- community development and support activities including:
- community programmes, services and events
- grants
- opening hours and services at libraries, pools and leisure facilities
- activities to restore our environment and control pests
- volunteer activities
- strategy and planning for local parks
- sports and park events, programmes and activities
- activities to minimise local waste and improve local water quality
- activities for young people.
Have your say
What do you think about our priorities and proposals for the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board area?
You should know
The information on this page is an edited version of the proposed Annual Plan 2025/2026.
For more information, see section 1.13 of the Annual Plan Supporting Information Document [PDF 7.7MB].