Ōrākei Local Board

In 2025/2026 we plan to invest $7.5 million in capital spend to renew and develop our assets (resources we own). We also plan to invest $18.03 million to maintain and operate these assets and deliver local activities (operating spend).

These amounts include $1 million extra operating spend and $2.06 million extra capital spend as part of the council's 'fairer funding for local boards' model as set out in the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 (10-year budget).

However, we might need to use some of these extra funds to cover unavoidable increases to the costs of existing services.

Key areas of spend for 2025/2026

Areas of spend Planned capital spend Planned operating spend

Community services

$7.5 million

$16.3 million

Environmental services

Does not apply


Planning services

Does not apply



Does not apply

$1 million


$7.5 million

$18.3 million

What we propose for the Ōrākei Local Board area in 2025/2026

In the 2025/2026 financial year, we plan to:

  • increase our funding:
    • for animal and plant pest control
    • to restore the health of local ecosystems
  • continue working with our community volunteers to improve our natural environment
  • continue local initiatives through funding, for example for Neighbourhood Support:
    • to improve neighbourhood connections
    • for more safety and emergency planning
  • fund and support local events, such as Splash Landing, Anzac services and an event to celebrate the re-opening of Remuera Library. This will help raise awareness of our community spaces and benefit local residents and businesses
  • maintain efforts to monitor and improve water quality in our local waterways
  • continue to deliver activities that encourage people to use the facilities at Tagalad Reserve North and The Landing
  • progress detailed design and consent work for:
  • find a new partner to develop the Meadowbank Community Centre
  • develop an action plan to improve the environment at Dingle Dell Reserve and access to the reserve
  • work to improve Ellerslie town square with:
    • better access
    • ability to hold events and programmes to encourage people to visit
    • more safety features and public facilities with better tree management, landscaping and seating.

Have your say

We want to know what you think about our priorities and proposals for the Ōrākei Local Board area, and what you think about a targeted rate to improve our beaches.

You should know

The information on this page is an edited version of the proposed Annual Plan 2025/2026.

For more information, see section 1.12 of the Annual Plan Supporting Information Document [PDF 7.7MB].

Illustration of two people playing football on a field. One person is running with the ball and the other is standing between the goal posts.