Howick Local Board
In 2025/2026 we plan to invest $10.6 million in capital spend to renew and develop our assets (resources we own). We also plan to invest $35.3 million to maintain and operate these assets and deliver local activities (operating spend).
Key areas of spend for 2025/2026
Areas of spend | Planned capital spend | Planned operating spend |
Community services |
$10.6 million |
$32.7 million |
Environmental services |
Does not apply |
$400,000 |
Planning services |
Does not apply |
$900,000 |
Governance |
Does not apply |
$1.2 million |
Total |
$10.6 million |
$35.3 million |
What we propose for the Howick Local Board in 2025/2026
In 2025/2026, we plan to:
- support local businesses and Business Improvement Districts with crime prevention and safety
- work with Howick Youth Council, Business East Tāmaki, business and tourism sectors and others to help train our youth and increase funding for the Young Enterprise Scheme
- review and refresh our tourism plan and the Howick Local Board Heritage Plan
- investigate options for a new dump station at Half Moon Bay where motorhome, campervan and caravan users can dispose of wastewater and toilet waste
- trial a surveillance programme to help stop illegal rubbish dumping in Flat Bush
- develop ways to:
- live-monitor, capture and document levels of poison and toxins in our local waterways
- increase awareness of how to reduce pollution in our waterways
- support enforcement (like fines or prosecution) of those who do not comply with legislation
- investigate options for a targeted rate to help fund a library, community centre and a pool and leisure centre in Flat Bush.
Visit Howick plans, agreements and reports for more information about our existing plans.
Priorities for our key activities and services
We want your feedback about what is most important to you so we can:
- prioritise investment in higher priority areas
- address rising costs by possibly reducing investment in lower priority areas.
Our key activities and services are:
- local arts and culture activities
- programmes and events for arts and community centres
- community climate action and sustainability activities
- community development and support activities
- community programmes and services
- activities to restore the environment and control pests
- volunteer activities
- community events
- grants
- strategy and planning for local parks
- sports and park programmes, events and activities
- activities to improve local water quality and to minimise local waste
- activities for young people.
Have your say
What do you think about our priorities and proposals for the Howick Local Board area?
You should know
The information on this page is an edited version of the proposed Annual Plan 2025/2026.
For more information, see section 1.7 of the Annual Plan Supporting Information Document [PDF 7.7MB].