Henderson-Massey Local Board
In 2025/2026 we plan to invest $21.6 million in capital spend to renew and develop our assets (resources we own). We also plan to invest $35 million to maintain and operate these assets and deliver local activities (operating spend).
Key areas of spend for 2025/2026
Areas of spend | Planned capital spend | Planned operating spend |
Community services |
$21.6 million |
$32.8 million |
Environmental services |
Does not apply |
$300,000 |
Planning services |
Does not apply |
$600,000 |
Governance |
Does not apply |
$1.3 million |
Total |
$21.6 million |
$35 million |
What we propose for the Henderson-Massey Local Board area in 2025/2026
In the 2025/2026 financial year, we plan to:
- support high-profile, community-led events
- work with Te Kete Rukuruku, our programme to restore original Māori names to areas and identify new te reo names with cultural, historical, ancestral, geographical or environmental significance to:
- engage mana whenua and Māori by creating Te Ao Māori (Māori world) events for whānau (family) that support the area's Pūrakau (Māori history)
- include te reo (Māori language) and tikanga (traditional system of values and practices)
- increase 'youth voice' initiatives for academic students in the area so they can have their say about issues that affect them
- work on plans to upgrade Catherine Plaza
- continue to support projects to improve water quality including:
- work by RiverCare Group in Te Atatū Peninsula
- Love Your Streams project by EcoMatters
- working with Community Waitākere - a project to identify, protect and enhance īnanga (whitebait) spawning habitats across the Henderson-Massey Local Board area.
Have your say
What do you think about our priorities and proposals for the Henderson-Massey Local Board area?
You should know
The information on this page is an edited version of the proposed Annual Plan 2025/2026.
For more information, see section 1.5 of the Annual Plan Supporting Information Document [PDF 7.7MB].