Rodney Local Board I Te Poari ā-Rohe o Rodney

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Consultation has concluded

People kayaking at Riverhead

This consultation closed on 13 August 2020. Thank you for having your say.

If you have any further questions/comments at this time please email us at:

Love local, get vocal and help shape Rodney's Local Board Plan 2020-2023

The Rodney Local Board has come up with a three-year plan outlining the key initiatives we want to focus on to help our communities thrive and support the recovery from the impacts of COVID-19.

This consultation closed on 13 August 2020. Thank you for having your say.

If you have any further questions/comments at this time please email us at:

Love local, get vocal and help shape Rodney's Local Board Plan 2020-2023

The Rodney Local Board has come up with a three-year plan outlining the key initiatives we want to focus on to help our communities thrive and support the recovery from the impacts of COVID-19.

Consultation has concluded
  • Phase Two - Rodney Local Board Project Update

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    Thank you for your feedback on the draft Rodney Local Board Plan.

    We received 271 pieces of feedback from a combination of our online forum, quick poll, social media and feedback form, all providing valuable insights from individuals and groups across the local board area.

    Adopting the Rodney Local Board Plan 2020

    The final Rodney Local Board Plan 2020 was adopted in November. The plan is available on the Auckland Council website. Rodney Local Board Plan.

    The plan’s final outcomes are:

    1. Safe, improved transport options connect our communities
    2. Our natural environment is healthy and protected
    3. Infrastructure and development meet the needs of our growing communities
    4. Our communities are resilient and have access to what they need
    5. Our local parks and recreation facilities meet the needs of our growing community

    Key themes from the feedback included:

    • More initiatives were needed to respond to Māori aspirations
    • Investment in transport infrastructure (roads, footpaths, parking, etc)
    • Provision of parks and recreation
    • A focus on road and pedestrian safety
    • Urban growth planning and town centre plans
    • Protection of our natural environment, and pest eradication

    Based on the feedback, the following changes were made:

    • Improvements to road sealing, safety and maintenance initiatives were requested. Advocating to increase funding to allow Auckland Transport to renew and maintain at least 12 per cent of Auckland’s sealed roads in any given year, and for continued budget allocation to road safety for Rodney as part of Auckland Transport’s Vision Zero programme have been added.
    • Feedback sought a greater focus on train connections for public transport. An item has been added to advocate to extend Auckland Transport’s Western Rail Line service to Huapai.
    • Comments on supporting road safety and improved cycling and pedestrian infrastructure have been acknowledged. An advocacy initiative has been added to improve design standards for roading, cycling and pedestrian networks in subdivisions (in countryside living zones, rural and coastal towns) to reflect the character and needs of the local area. Changes to the Unitary Plan will also be sought to give better direction on design standards for transport networks for subdivisions in countryside living zones, rural and coastal towns.
    • There were a number of comments that the plan lacked initiatives to respond to Māori aspirations. More Māori initiatives have been added, including working with mana whenua to integrate Māori design in our local parks and facilities, and looking for ways to include Māra Hūpara (traditional Māori playground) in our play spaces. The ‘Working with Māori’ section has been expanded to better reflect partnerships with local iwi.
    • The importance of waterways, improving public spaces and creating attractive town centres has been added, as an initiative to continue to deliver the Kumeū-Huapai Centre Plan, including enhancing the Kumeū River’s ecology and people’s access to it, and by working with landowners and developers to make improvements to the town centre.
    • An adjustment was made to the business initiative to support all local business communities, business associations and business improvement districts (BIDs) to thrive, including the Wellsford business community.
    • The local board supports investigations to be carried out regarding possible uses for the property at 14 Baxter Street, Warkworth and an advocacy item was added for this key site, to support the future revitalisation of Warkworth’s town centre.

    What’s next: Auckland Council’s 10-year budget

    As well as helping develop the local board plan for the next three years, and the annual work programmes to deliver on the plan, your feedback helps the local board to respond to any issues facing Rodney.

    You are welcome to have your say on the 10-year budget (Long-term Plan), and the local board will be advocating on behalf of Rodney for:

    • continued progress with the delivery of the Kumeū -Huapai indoor courts facility, Rodney’s one local initiative (OLI)
    • enough funding for Auckland Transport to renew and maintain 12 per cent of Auckland’s roading network each year to ensure safe, well-maintained roads
    • $121 million in funding for Auckland Transport’s Unsealed Roads Improvement Programme to improve unsealed roads through strengthening and other methods.

    You can help support these advocacy items by having your say on the 10-year budget (Long-term Plan) from 22 February to 22 March 2021.

    Nga mihi,

    Phelan Pirrie
    Chairperson, Rodney Local Board

  • Phase one - Rodney plan update

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    supporting image

    Thank you to everyone who shared ideas, insights and gave feedback on what the Rodney Local Board should include in their 2020 Local Board Plan. We have enjoyed getting out and about and talking to the community. It's been great to hear your creative ideas and passion for the towns and communities that make up the Rodney Local Board area.

    Who we heard from

    We held three events in partnership with community organisations, including Federated Farmers Rodney, Kumeu Baptist Youth and the North-West Business Association where we heard from a cross-section of the community, from young people to seniors.

    We heard many of your views face to face at the Coatesville market and Helensville A&P show, as well as at our stalls outside New World in both Kumeu and Warkworth. We also heard from the Wellsford community through their Wellsford Community Voices plan, and gathered ideas here on our online ideas hub.

    In total we received contributions to the plan from approximately 180 people.

    What you said

    These are some of the key themes we heard from the feedback we received:

    • you value our environment, open spaces, beaches and waterways and want us to continue to support programmes that have an environmental focus
    • you want safer roads and footpath connections
    • you want improved public transport options
    • you want the projects in the town centre plans implemented to create attractive community spaces

    What happens next?

    All 21 of Auckland’s Local Boards are developing their new 2020 Local Board Plans based on what we heard and other inputs such as the Auckland Plan 2050, Long Term Plan, and Annual Budget.

    We have yet to fully determine the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our communities and it may mean some of our plans and aspirations may need to change as a result. Given the extraordinary circumstances we now face, you can expect to see localised responses form part of the draft plan.

    In July we will come back to you with an opportunity to have your say on the draft Rodney Local Board Plan. We will be back in touch when phase two opens.