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In the 2024/2025 financial year we plan to invest $1.8 million to renew and develop assets (resources we own). We also plan to invest $12.2 million to maintain and operate assets and deliver local activities.
In this long-term plan, local boards have more responsibility for decisions about local assets and services than in previous years.
This includes making decisions about which assets (such as parks and community halls) and services (such as libraries) we should prioritise with funds allocated by the Governing Body.
Some funding decisions are not the responsibility of a local board and in such cases the board can:
ask the Governing Body to consider funding from its long-term plan budget
ask a council-controlled organisation (such as Auckland Transport) to deliver the service during the 10 years of the long-term plan.
Waitākere Ranges Local Board priorities for 2024-2034
The Waitākere Ranges Local Board proposed priorities for its area for the next 10 years. These priorities depend on funding from the Governing Body.
They are to:
ensure our parks and assets are well-looked after for the benefit of the community, the environment and their social, cultural and heritage value
for the council to establish clear funding levels for the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area
marae investment to support Te Kawerau ā Maki (iwi from west Auckland) on the Kainga Whakahirahira (settlement of significance) project to develop a marae and papakainga (village) in Te Henga / Bethells Beach
streetscape and lighting upgrades in Glen Eden town centre
to resolve the road traffic and train conflict at the level rail crossing in Glen Eden and to manage congestion in the town centre when train services increase
to trial a bus service to outer coastal areas
to fund a shared path from Glen Eden to Sunnyvale
to increase road and drain maintenance, along with climate change adaptation
partner to improve community safety and reduce harm.
What we propose for Waitākere Ranges
Key areas of spend for Waitākere Ranges 2024/2025
For the financial year 2024/2025, we plan to deliver key projects, activities and changes to services.
These are:
initiatives to support community resilience and safety
to progress priority actions from the Waitākere Ranges Local Climate Plan (currently under development)
to restore and enhance significant ecological areas at local parks and around the regional park
to provide grants for arts and culture programmes delivered by our community arts partners, such as Te Uru
to continue using library spaces for programmes, services and events
to progress an application for Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area to become a dark sky place (an area with little or no light pollution).
You should know
The information on this page is an edited version of the proposed Long-term Plan 2024-2034. For more information, see page 124 of the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document [PDF 17MB].
In the 2024/2025 financial year we plan to invest $1.8 million to renew and develop assets (resources we own). We also plan to invest $12.2 million to maintain and operate assets and deliver local activities.
In this long-term plan, local boards have more responsibility for decisions about local assets and services than in previous years.
This includes making decisions about which assets (such as parks and community halls) and services (such as libraries) we should prioritise with funds allocated by the Governing Body.
Some funding decisions are not the responsibility of a local board and in such cases the board can:
ask the Governing Body to consider funding from its long-term plan budget
ask a council-controlled organisation (such as Auckland Transport) to deliver the service during the 10 years of the long-term plan.
Waitākere Ranges Local Board priorities for 2024-2034
The Waitākere Ranges Local Board proposed priorities for its area for the next 10 years. These priorities depend on funding from the Governing Body.
They are to:
ensure our parks and assets are well-looked after for the benefit of the community, the environment and their social, cultural and heritage value
for the council to establish clear funding levels for the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area
marae investment to support Te Kawerau ā Maki (iwi from west Auckland) on the Kainga Whakahirahira (settlement of significance) project to develop a marae and papakainga (village) in Te Henga / Bethells Beach
streetscape and lighting upgrades in Glen Eden town centre
to resolve the road traffic and train conflict at the level rail crossing in Glen Eden and to manage congestion in the town centre when train services increase
to trial a bus service to outer coastal areas
to fund a shared path from Glen Eden to Sunnyvale
to increase road and drain maintenance, along with climate change adaptation
partner to improve community safety and reduce harm.
What we propose for Waitākere Ranges
Key areas of spend for Waitākere Ranges 2024/2025
For the financial year 2024/2025, we plan to deliver key projects, activities and changes to services.
These are:
initiatives to support community resilience and safety
to progress priority actions from the Waitākere Ranges Local Climate Plan (currently under development)
to restore and enhance significant ecological areas at local parks and around the regional park
to provide grants for arts and culture programmes delivered by our community arts partners, such as Te Uru
to continue using library spaces for programmes, services and events
to progress an application for Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area to become a dark sky place (an area with little or no light pollution).
You should know
The information on this page is an edited version of the proposed Long-term Plan 2024-2034. For more information, see page 124 of the Long-term Plan 2024-2034 Consultation Document [PDF 17MB].