Deed of Acknowledgement

The Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area is an important historical and cultural site with rich biodiversity.

Auckland Council, together with the Crown and tangata whenua, is progressing a proposed Deed of Acknowledgement under the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008. This agreement would outline how tangata whenua could contribute to the future care, management, and protection of the Heritage Area.

The current parties involved in the proposed Deed of Acknowledgement are:

Ngāti Whātua is also named in the Act as tangata whenua. Their ability to be part of the Deed will be kept open and discussions are ongoing.

The proposed Deed applies only to public land owned or managed by the Crown or the council within the heritage area. It does not apply to private land or water and will not replace existing governance structures.

Purpose of the Deed of Acknowledgement

The Deed of Acknowledgement will:

  • identify opportunities for tangata whenua to contribute to the care and management of public land within the heritage area
  • formally acknowledge the historical, cultural, and spiritual relationship tangata whenua have with that land.

Four key elements of the Deed of Acknowledgement

In December 2024, Auckland Council agreed in principle to four key elements of the proposed Deed:

  • developing a strategic plan for the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area
  • creating a work programme to deliver the goals of that plan
  • monitoring progress and outcomes, and making recommendations
  • establishing a joint committee under the Local Government Act 2002 with equal representation from tangata whenua, Auckland Council and the Crown.

Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Deed of Acknowledgement

Download the document for Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Deed of Acknowledgement [PDF 1.6MB]

What we want your feedback on

We would like to know:

  • why you visit Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area
  • what you think about the four proposed elements of the Deed of Acknowledgement
  • your views on the role of the proposed joint committee
  • how we can involve stakeholders
  • anything else you want to share about the proposed Deed.

When you can have your say

You can have your say from Monday 24 March to Monday 28 April 2025.

How you can have your say

To have your say, you can:

Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Deed of Acknowledgement
Auckland Council
Private Bag 92300, Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142.

More information

There will be online information sessions for members of the public and stakeholders. To register, check:

We will post the recording of the webinars on the akhaveyoursay website.

Frequently asked questions

Download the frequently asked questions [ PDF 747.95 KB]

Map of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area

Download the Map of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area [PDF 588 KB]

What happens next

We will present your feedback to:

This will help inform the council's decisions on the proposed Deed.

The Crown, represented by the Department of Conservation, and Te Kawerau ā Maki will make their own decisions on the proposed Deed.

We aim to publish final decisions in July or August 2025.