Draft Upper Harbour Local Parks Management Plan

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What we are proposing

In 2019, we asked for feedback on how you use your parks and how you would like to use them in the future. We used that feedback to create the draft Upper Harbour Local Parks Management Plan.

The draft plan:

  • guides the management of Upper Harbour local parks
  • outlines how we will manage local parks and protect their values over the next ten years.

About the draft plan

The draft plan covers all parks and reserves owned and managed by Auckland Council in Upper Harbour. That includes around 260 parks and approximately 800 hectares of land.

Where the ideas come from

The ideas in the draft local parks management plan come from:

  • our consultation with the community
  • community organisations
  • mana whenua (hapū or iwi with ancestral relationships to certain areas in Tāmaki Makaurau where they exercise customary authority)
  • mataawaka (Maōri who live in Tāmaki Makaurau and are not in a mana whenua group).

How the plan is formatted

The Draft Upper Harbour Local Parks Management Plan is in two volumes.

  • Volume 1 sets out the scope and purpose of the plan.
  • Volume 2 is a more detailed look at what the plan will mean for individual parks:
    • Albany
    • Albany Heights
    • Greenhithe
    • Herald Island
    • Hobsonville
    • Oteha
    • Paremoremo
    • Rosedale
    • Schnapper Rock
    • West Harbour
    • Whenuapai
    • Windsor Park

The plan has been prepared in line with the Reserves Act 1977.

What we want your feedback on

We want to hear from the Upper Harbour community so we can make sure we’ve got the plan right.

Tell us:

  • if there is anything we should change
  • what you like
  • what you don’t like.

How you can have your say

-You can fill out our online feedback form below.

-You can attend our Drop-in events at Albany Village and Te Manawa (Westgate) Libraries. Take a look at the key dates section.

When you can have your say

You can have your say from 15 September to 15 November 2022.

Click on the following links to view this page in another language:

- Korean (한국어)

- Simplified Chinese (简体中文)

- Traditional Chinese (繁體中文)

What we are proposing

In 2019, we asked for feedback on how you use your parks and how you would like to use them in the future. We used that feedback to create the draft Upper Harbour Local Parks Management Plan.

The draft plan:

  • guides the management of Upper Harbour local parks
  • outlines how we will manage local parks and protect their values over the next ten years.

About the draft plan

The draft plan covers all parks and reserves owned and managed by Auckland Council in Upper Harbour. That includes around 260 parks and approximately 800 hectares of land.

Where the ideas come from

The ideas in the draft local parks management plan come from:

  • our consultation with the community
  • community organisations
  • mana whenua (hapū or iwi with ancestral relationships to certain areas in Tāmaki Makaurau where they exercise customary authority)
  • mataawaka (Maōri who live in Tāmaki Makaurau and are not in a mana whenua group).

How the plan is formatted

The Draft Upper Harbour Local Parks Management Plan is in two volumes.

  • Volume 1 sets out the scope and purpose of the plan.
  • Volume 2 is a more detailed look at what the plan will mean for individual parks:
    • Albany
    • Albany Heights
    • Greenhithe
    • Herald Island
    • Hobsonville
    • Oteha
    • Paremoremo
    • Rosedale
    • Schnapper Rock
    • West Harbour
    • Whenuapai
    • Windsor Park

The plan has been prepared in line with the Reserves Act 1977.

What we want your feedback on

We want to hear from the Upper Harbour community so we can make sure we’ve got the plan right.

Tell us:

  • if there is anything we should change
  • what you like
  • what you don’t like.

How you can have your say

-You can fill out our online feedback form below.

-You can attend our Drop-in events at Albany Village and Te Manawa (Westgate) Libraries. Take a look at the key dates section.

When you can have your say

You can have your say from 15 September to 15 November 2022.

Click on the following links to view this page in another language:

- Korean (한국어)

- Simplified Chinese (简体中文)

- Traditional Chinese (繁體中文)

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Upper Harbour Local Board has prepared a management plan for all local parks and reserves in the local board area that they have decision-making responsibility for. The draft plan covers 260 parks and over 800 hectares of land in the Upper Harbour Local Board area. 

    The Upper Harbour Local Parks Management Plan is being prepared according to the Reserves Act 1977 and has a policy rather than an operational focus. It aims to guide day-to-day management in local parks in a way that reflects the values of mana whenua and the community. 

    This is your opportunity to provide ideas and suggestions on how you would like to see our local parks protected, used and managed over the next ten years. A submission is your chance to tell us what you think of the draft Upper Harbour Local Parks Management Plan. You might wish to comment on a topic of interest to you or an individual park, or a mix of these. 

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    어퍼 하버 지역 위원회가 소관하고 있는 지역내 260개의 공원과 800헥타르 이상의 보호 구역에 대해 관리 계획 초안을 마련했습니다. 

    어퍼 하버 지역공원 관리 계획은 1977 보호구역법에 의거하여 만들어졌으며 운영적인 측면보다 정책에 초점을 두었습니다. 마나 훼누아 부족과 지역사회의 가치를 반영한 지역공원의 일상적인 관리업무가 주 목표입니다. 

    향후 십 년간 저희 지역공원을 어떻게 보호하고, 사용하며, 관리할 수 있을지, 이번 기회에 아이디어와 의견을 제안할 수 있습니다. 여러분이 어퍼 하버 지역공원 관리 계획 초안을 어떻게 생각하는지 의견을 내주세요. 개별 공원에 대한 의견은 물론 기타 여러분의 관심분야와 관련하여 의견을 내실 수 있습니다.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Upper Harbour地区委员会为其辖区内拥有决策责任的所有本地公园和保护区准备了一份管理方案。该方案草案覆盖了Upper Harbour地区委员会范围内的260个公园和约800公顷的土地。 

    Upper Harbour本地公园管理方案》是按照《1977保护区法案》来准备的。方案侧重政策而不是具体运营。该方案旨在以体现毛利土地权威(mana whenua)和社区的价值观的方式,来指导本地公园的日常管理。

     未来十年,您希望看到我们的本地公园得到怎样的保护、使用和管理,这是您提供想法和建议的机会。提交反馈意见是一个您告诉我们您对于《Upper Harbour本地公园管理方案》草案的看法的机会。您可能希望对您关心的话题、关心的个别公园,或者对两者都提出看法。

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Upper Harbour地區委員會為其轄區內擁有決策責任的所有本地公園和保護區準備了一份管理方案。該方案草案覆蓋了Upper Harbour地區委員會範圍內的260個公園和約800公頃的土地。 

    《Upper Harbour本地公園管理方案》是按照《1977保護區法案》來準備的。方案側重政策而不是具體運營。該方案旨在以體現毛利土地權威(mana whenua)和社區的價值觀的方式,來指導本地公園的日常管理。

    未來十年,您希望看到我們的本地公園得到怎樣的保護、使用和管理,這是您提供想法和建議的機會。提交回饋意見是一個您告訴我們您對於《Upper Harbour本地公園管理方案》草案的看法的機會。您可能希望對您關心的話題、關心的個別公園,或者對兩者都提出看法。

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Page last updated: 15 Nov 2022, 11:59 PM