Transcript for Papakura Local Board priorities for the draft Papakura Local Board Plan 2023-2025
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Text: Do you live in Papakura?
[Video: Wordart image in the shape of people showing all the names of place names across Papakura such as, Rosehill, Pahurehure, Opaheke, Hingaia, Takanini, and question "do you live in Papakura?"]
Text: We need to hear from you!
[Video: White background with text and image of group of 20 people standing around and talking.]
Text: We’ve written a plan for 2023-2025.
[Video: White background with text and image showing front cover of draft local board plan document.]
Text on screen: Here’s some of what we’re planning.
[Video: White background with picture hands reaching out touching in a circle.]
Text: Tō Tātou Hapori – Our Community. We want to have strong relationships with Māori and Māori aspirations are supported, celebrate diversity and culture in Papakura, make sure we are all safe and wellbeing is a priority, be prepared and ready for future unforeseen events
[Video: White background with text in red, image of people sitting at table at the Papakura Marae and image of teenagers in school uniform sitting at computers and black text.]
Text: Ō Tātou Tāngata – Our People. We want to enable our community to feel connected and lead active healthy lives, have great parks and places to enjoy, come together through lively events and activity with our diverse cultures, keep up with the growth of our community
[Video: White background with orange text heading with an image showing children running around under a performer blowing bubbles with a large wand and black text.]
Text: Tō Tātou Taiao – Our Environment. We want to support programmes that that improve our environment, increase tree canopies, improve our air and water quality, and help address pollution and waste, you to enjoy your local parks, harbours and streams, get more people using active and public transport.
[Video: White background with image of inlet and mangroves, with black text and green heading.]
Text: Tā Tātou Ōhanga – Our Economy. We want to have a thriving local economy with local jobs, ensure our commercial centre is a great place to work, shop, relax and enjoy, increase the number of people who visit Papakura.
[Video: White background with black heading and text with image of Papakura township and clock.]
Text: Ō Tātou Wāhi – Our Places. We want to be able to be well connected and move about with ease, have reliable, easy and safe to use, public transport, support growth while ensuring appropriate infrastructure.
[Video: Heading in blue with white background, black text and two images, one showing new houses in new subdivision, one showing images of building site with workers walking past.]
Text: Many of our buildings are old, under-used, and need investment to make them safe and inviting.
[Video: White background with black text, two images showing older style halls in Papakura.]
Text: We also own buildings we lease to community groups, yet we fund the maintenance; those groups provide services you value.
[Video: White background with black text, image showing community leased building.]
Text: We will have a shortfall in budget over the next 10 years. We can’t afford to maintain or upgrade all the buildings and facilities we own.
[Video: Blue background with black text, images of dollar signs.]
Text: We may need to change how we deliver our services, so you can still use them without going to a set place.
[Video: Faded imaged of entrance to Sir Edmund Hillary library in Papakura with two people walking in.]
Text: We must make decisions... like selling some facilities to fund others, having groups maintain them, or changing how we do things to deliver services without buildings.
[Video: Faded image of digital services screen with white text overlaid.]
Text: We won’t be making quick decisions. We need to understand which facilities you value most, which need improvements, and which could be sold.
[Video: White background with black text, with two images, one scrabble letters saying "Listen, understand and act" and the other image pink and blue with word decisions abstract.]
Text: What could we get rid of to fund something better? Which facilities need improving, and what’s needed? Do you have suggestions for facilities other groups could take over?
[Video: Black text on white background with image of magnifying glass.]
Text: We need to hear from you. What council services and facilities are most important in your local area?
[Video: White background with black text. Image of large group of people watching an event outside.]
Text: We’ll also advocate for you.
[Video: White background with black text and image of map of Papakura Local Board area.]
Text: That includes speaking up for our roads and public transport.
[Video: White background with white text, image of Papakura motorway intersection, image of buses.]
Text: We’re consulting on our draft plan.
[Video: White background with blue text, image of front cover of the Papakura draft local board plan.]
Text: Do you support it? Have we got it right? Have we missed anything?
[Video: White background with black text, Image of a hand writing "What is your priority?" in marker pen.]
Text: Read the plan. Have your say.
[Video: White and grey background with large yellow "Have your Say" speech bubble.]
Text: In person events: Drop-in session at Sir Edmund Hillary Library, Wednesday 2 August 10.30am-12pm. Drop-in session at Te Paataka Koorero o Takaanini Takanini Library, Wednesday 9 August, 10.30am-12pm. Online Email or use paper forms at our libraries. Consultation open from 13 July-14 August 2023.
[Video: Grey/white backgrounds with black text, coloured circle with text for each event.]