Putting community wellbeing at the heart of all we do.

Ngā Hapori Momoho | Thriving Communities is one of council’s core strategies to implement the Auckland Plan. It explains how Auckland Council will contribute to creating a fairer, more sustainable Tāmaki Makaurau where every Aucklander feels like they belong.

Ngā Hapori Momoho | Thriving Communities 2022-2032 was adopted by the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee in February 2022. You can find the strategy in the Documents section on this page.

You can also find links to all the critical information we have used to inform the strategy, including the findings from our community engagement phase.

Note that the strategy still needs to go through the final design process. We will update this page with the final version once it is ready.

Strategy overview:

The strategy Ngā Hapori Momoho | Thriving Communities 2022-2032 responds to our current context and our three most significant challenges:

  1. growing wealth and income inequality will mean too many whanau cannot thrive

  1. the pace and scale of growth and social change could undermine Aucklander’s sense of belonging and connection

  1. our changing climate will make outcomes worse for those communities already struggling.

The strategy sets out the things we need to focus on over the next 10 years, to ensure all our communities can thrive, now and into the future:

The Thriving Communities outcomes are:


All Aucklanders enjoy the essentials of a good life and fulfill their potential


Aucklanders are connected and feel as though they belong


All Aucklanders are able to participate and take collective action to meet common goals


Aucklanders are connected to and care for the natural environment

And these will be achieved through acting on the objectives:

  • Increase whanau and community financial security so more Aucklanders can live well

  • Improve health outcomes so more Aucklanders are happy and healthy

  • Increase access and participation so more Aucklanders can access and take part in the things they care about

  • Grow community and intercultural connection so all Aucklanders feel as though they belong

  • Enable local leadership and innovation so we harness the power and creativity of community

  • Increase community resilience and sustainability so Aucklanders make best use of the resources available to them and reduce their emissions.

This strategy replaces the Ngā Hapori Momoho | Thriving Communities Action Plan adopted in 2014.

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