Taurus Crescent Reserve playground upgrade
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Consultation has concluded
What we are proposing
We want to upgrade the playground at Taurus Crescent Reserve located at 8 Taurus Crescent Road in Beach Haven.
We have developed a concept plan based on:
- previous community consultation
- recent feedback from the Kaipātiki Local Board.
The overall intention of the design is:
- to improve play activities within the local area targeting five to nine year olds
- to include extra play activities for zero to four year olds
- to focus on dynamic, agility and strength-based equipment.
What we want your feedback on
We would like to know:
- what you think of the proposed concept design
- which of the play options you prefer for each playground zone.
We encourage you to view the concept design before answering the survey questions.
When you can have your say
You can have your say from 1 March to 22 March 2024.
How you can have your say
To have your say, you can:
- complete our online feedback form
- scan and email your completed form to parksnorthfeedback@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
- post your completed form to:
Taurus Crescent Reserve Concept Feedback
Freepost Number 190198
Auckland Council
Private Bag 92300
Victoria Street West
Auckland, 1142
What happens next
Your feedback will help us develop the detailed design and move towards construction of the playground.