Takapuna Community Hub
What we are proposing
We want to combine library and community services in Takapuna by transforming the existing library into a community hub. This will provide a place where the community can come together and enjoy a range of activities and services.
About the project
In 2019, we began looking at options to improve library and community services in Takapuna.
We looked at three sites for the new hub. They are:
- the Mary Thomas Centre
- the Takapuna Community Services Building
- Takapuna Library.
After considering our research, Devonport-Takapuna Local Board approved the plan to turn the Takapuna Library into a community hub.
We are considering two options:
- renovating the existing two-level building
- renovating the existing two-level building and adding a third smaller level.
Both options will provide parking.
What we want your feedback on
We will hold two separate consultations for this project.
In this consultation, we want your input to help us design the new hub.
We want to know:
- what you and your whānau would like to do at the community hub
- what types of spaces and facilities you would like to see at the hub.
Once we complete the design, we will run a second consultation so you can share your feedback.
How you can have your say
To have your say, you can:
- complete our online feedback form
- email takapunacommunityhub@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz with your completed feedback form
- complete a paper copy of the feedback form at the Takapuna Library.
When you can have your say
You can have your say from Tuesday 20 August until Monday 7 October 2024.
What happens next
Your feedback will help us develop a proposed design for the new community hub.