Taipari Strand Playground Upgrade
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Consultation has concluded
This consultation closed on 23 May 2021.
Thank you for having your say.
We received 71 pieces of feedback via online survey.
Key feedback themes
- People asked for seating and shade
- There was concern that another local playspace upgrade was also up for renewal, at Pringle Village Green playspace. This wasn’t widely known and the public will be given an opportunity to provide feedback on this project soon.
- People wanted waterplay options
- People also requested play options for two- to four-year-olds.
Changes made as a result of your feedback
We will provide additional natural shade where possible and retain existing trees.
We have incorporated waterplay elements into the Jack Pringle playground upgrade.
Additional seating will be provided where budget allows.
What happens next
Henderson Massey Local Board have approved the concept design.
Staff are now working with iwi to complete a detailed design so applicable consents can be lodged.