St Mary Mackillop Catholic School

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Safe School Streets

Safe School Streets is a pilot programme that AT is trialling with a number of schools around Auckland. The programme sees temporary measures introduced around a school before any long-term solutions are implemented. The changes are designed to increase safety outside schools, reduce the number of vehicles during peak times and encourage more students and their families to walk and cycle to and from school each day.

Auckland Transport is taking a Vision Zero approach to road safety. This means we are striving to have zero deaths or serious injuries on our transport system by 2050. To achieve this, we are working to create a more forgiving road network that recognises that we are human and make mistakes. But those mistakes should not mean someone dies or is seriously injured on our roads.

St Mary Mackillop School

Between June and August 2021, AT installed some changes responding to feedback from co-design sessions with St Mary Mackillop School.

Following feedback from the school and the community we have already made changes to the original temporary design including:

  • removal of speed cushions and flexible bollards to narrow the carriageway outside 52 and 53 McKinstry Avenue
  • moving the school patrol signs and planter boxes into the buildout at the pedestrian crossing on McKinstry Avenue, to improve visibility of the patrol.

Other changes being trialled include:

McKinstry Avenue

  • A drop off and pick up only area for parents and caregivers. Residents are exempt; however we are advising parents and caregivers not to park between 8.30am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm, indicated by a purple painted kerb and interim signage.
  • Flexible bollards and planter boxes to slow speeds and improve visibility for the pedestrian crossing and school road patrol.

McNaughton Avenue

  • Painted school threshold at each approach to the school to formalise the school zone (near 1 and 37 McNaughton Avenue and 1 Penderford Place).
  • Flexible bollards to narrow the carriageway to encourage safe vehicle speeds at either end of the street, (near 3 – 11 and 15 – 23 McNaughton Avenue).
  • A drop off and pick up only area for parents and caregivers of McNaughton Kindergarten. Residents are exempt; however we are advising parents and caregivers not to park between 8.30am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm, indicated by a purple painted kerb and interim signage.
  • Asphalt speed humps (near 7, 27 McNaugton Avenue and 1 Penderford Place).
  • Flexible bollards to create a pinch point outside 47-49 McNaughton Avenue.
  • Give way signage at either end of the street.

Permanent Changes

We have installed a raised zebra crossing outside St Mary Mackillop Catholic School to improve pedestrian safety, particularly for young school children.

These changes were requested by St Mary Mackillop Catholic School and will make it safer for school children to cross the road and aims to lower speeds within the vicinity of the school.

What happens next

We will observe how well the temporary measures are working and gather data about vehicle speed and volumes when Covid Alert Levels allow.

A decision will be made about whether to retain the temporary design and progress the trial permanent design. If it is decided to progress the trial to permanent design, the temporary measures will remain in place until the permanent scheme is implemented.

A full consultation will take place before any permanent changes are implemented.

Safe School Streets

Safe School Streets is a pilot programme that AT is trialling with a number of schools around Auckland. The programme sees temporary measures introduced around a school before any long-term solutions are implemented. The changes are designed to increase safety outside schools, reduce the number of vehicles during peak times and encourage more students and their families to walk and cycle to and from school each day.

Auckland Transport is taking a Vision Zero approach to road safety. This means we are striving to have zero deaths or serious injuries on our transport system by 2050. To achieve this, we are working to create a more forgiving road network that recognises that we are human and make mistakes. But those mistakes should not mean someone dies or is seriously injured on our roads.

St Mary Mackillop School

Between June and August 2021, AT installed some changes responding to feedback from co-design sessions with St Mary Mackillop School.

Following feedback from the school and the community we have already made changes to the original temporary design including:

  • removal of speed cushions and flexible bollards to narrow the carriageway outside 52 and 53 McKinstry Avenue
  • moving the school patrol signs and planter boxes into the buildout at the pedestrian crossing on McKinstry Avenue, to improve visibility of the patrol.

Other changes being trialled include:

McKinstry Avenue

  • A drop off and pick up only area for parents and caregivers. Residents are exempt; however we are advising parents and caregivers not to park between 8.30am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm, indicated by a purple painted kerb and interim signage.
  • Flexible bollards and planter boxes to slow speeds and improve visibility for the pedestrian crossing and school road patrol.

McNaughton Avenue

  • Painted school threshold at each approach to the school to formalise the school zone (near 1 and 37 McNaughton Avenue and 1 Penderford Place).
  • Flexible bollards to narrow the carriageway to encourage safe vehicle speeds at either end of the street, (near 3 – 11 and 15 – 23 McNaughton Avenue).
  • A drop off and pick up only area for parents and caregivers of McNaughton Kindergarten. Residents are exempt; however we are advising parents and caregivers not to park between 8.30am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm, indicated by a purple painted kerb and interim signage.
  • Asphalt speed humps (near 7, 27 McNaugton Avenue and 1 Penderford Place).
  • Flexible bollards to create a pinch point outside 47-49 McNaughton Avenue.
  • Give way signage at either end of the street.

Permanent Changes

We have installed a raised zebra crossing outside St Mary Mackillop Catholic School to improve pedestrian safety, particularly for young school children.

These changes were requested by St Mary Mackillop Catholic School and will make it safer for school children to cross the road and aims to lower speeds within the vicinity of the school.

What happens next

We will observe how well the temporary measures are working and gather data about vehicle speed and volumes when Covid Alert Levels allow.

A decision will be made about whether to retain the temporary design and progress the trial permanent design. If it is decided to progress the trial to permanent design, the temporary measures will remain in place until the permanent scheme is implemented.

A full consultation will take place before any permanent changes are implemented.

Page last updated: 27 Oct 2021, 09:53 AM