Riverhead public toilet site selection

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Consultation has concluded

We are developing a new toilet facility at Riverhead and we want to know where we should put it.

Background to the consultation

We first identified the need for a new toilet facility at Riverhead in 2018 through the Rodney Public Toilet Provision Study.

The study found Riverhead had only one public toilet and that a further toilet was needed.

Rodney Local Board agreed to develop toilet facilities as part of their 2023/2024 Rodney Local Board Customer and Community Services work programme.

In August and September of 2020, we held an online public consultation where we presented two locations for a new toilet.

Those sites were:

  • Riverhead Point Drive
  • Deacon Point.

Deacon Point was the most popular. However, given the recent developments in Riverhead, we have decided to re-consult with the community to confirm the preferred site of the new toilets.

What we want your feedback on

The options for a public toilet in Riverhead are:

  • Option 1: Do not proceed with any new toilet development in Riverhead.
  • Option 2: Develop a new toilet facility at Deacon Point Reserve
  • Option 3: Develop a new toilet facility near the Riverhead Drive playground.
  • Option 4: Develop a new toilet facility at Murray Jones Reserve.
  • Option 5: Develop additional toilet facilities at the existing toilet within Riverhead Memorial Park.

We want to know:

  • if you support the installation of a new public toilet at Riverhead
  • what your preferred toilet location is
  • if you have any other feedback on where the new toilet should be located.

When you can have your say

You can have your say from Monday 10 June to Wednesday 10 July 2024.

How you can have your say

You can have your say by:

What happens next

We expect to decide on the new location (or if no new toilet is supported by the community) by August 2024.

We are developing a new toilet facility at Riverhead and we want to know where we should put it.

Background to the consultation

We first identified the need for a new toilet facility at Riverhead in 2018 through the Rodney Public Toilet Provision Study.

The study found Riverhead had only one public toilet and that a further toilet was needed.

Rodney Local Board agreed to develop toilet facilities as part of their 2023/2024 Rodney Local Board Customer and Community Services work programme.

In August and September of 2020, we held an online public consultation where we presented two locations for a new toilet.

Those sites were:

  • Riverhead Point Drive
  • Deacon Point.

Deacon Point was the most popular. However, given the recent developments in Riverhead, we have decided to re-consult with the community to confirm the preferred site of the new toilets.

What we want your feedback on

The options for a public toilet in Riverhead are:

  • Option 1: Do not proceed with any new toilet development in Riverhead.
  • Option 2: Develop a new toilet facility at Deacon Point Reserve
  • Option 3: Develop a new toilet facility near the Riverhead Drive playground.
  • Option 4: Develop a new toilet facility at Murray Jones Reserve.
  • Option 5: Develop additional toilet facilities at the existing toilet within Riverhead Memorial Park.

We want to know:

  • if you support the installation of a new public toilet at Riverhead
  • what your preferred toilet location is
  • if you have any other feedback on where the new toilet should be located.

When you can have your say

You can have your say from Monday 10 June to Wednesday 10 July 2024.

How you can have your say

You can have your say by:

What happens next

We expect to decide on the new location (or if no new toilet is supported by the community) by August 2024.