Rānui Domain Playground Upgrade

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Consultation has concluded

What we are proposing

We want to upgrade the playground at Rānui Domain.

We have developed a concept plan based on community feedback about what you want to see in the area.

We aim to provide:

  • play opportunities for all children
  • accessible play equipment
  • inclusive play equipment.

What we want your feedback on

We would like your feedback on the proposed concept design for the playground renewal.

We would also like to know:

  • if you and your family would use this playground
  • how often you would visit the new playground
  • which proposed play equipment you prefer
  • if you have any safety concerns.

How you can have your say

You can have your say by filing out our feedback form.

You can email hmwrprojects@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz with a scanned copy of your feedback form.

You can also post your form to:

Rānui Domain playground upgrade
Freepost 190198
Auckland Council
Private Bag 92300
Victoria Street West

When you can have your say

You can have your say from 13 October to 6 November.

What happens next

Your feedback will help us to design the playground renewal and other park facilities.

We aim to construct this playground in late 2024.

What we are proposing

We want to upgrade the playground at Rānui Domain.

We have developed a concept plan based on community feedback about what you want to see in the area.

We aim to provide:

  • play opportunities for all children
  • accessible play equipment
  • inclusive play equipment.

What we want your feedback on

We would like your feedback on the proposed concept design for the playground renewal.

We would also like to know:

  • if you and your family would use this playground
  • how often you would visit the new playground
  • which proposed play equipment you prefer
  • if you have any safety concerns.

How you can have your say

You can have your say by filing out our feedback form.

You can email hmwrprojects@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz with a scanned copy of your feedback form.

You can also post your form to:

Rānui Domain playground upgrade
Freepost 190198
Auckland Council
Private Bag 92300
Victoria Street West

When you can have your say

You can have your say from 13 October to 6 November.

What happens next

Your feedback will help us to design the playground renewal and other park facilities.

We aim to construct this playground in late 2024.