This consultation closed on Sunday 8 December 2024. Thank you for having your say.

We received 3678 feedback submissions including:

  • 2355 online
  • 1277 hand-written forms
  • 46 email submissions.

The feedback was mostly from individuals, but also included responses from 75 organisations and four Māori entities.

Key feedback themes

Feedback shows:

  • support for responsible cat ownership measures, especially compulsory cat desexing and microchipping
  • support for measures to reduce impact and spread of species introduced from other countries
  • over 70 percent of people support measures to address the impact of climate change
  • a need for better communication with the public on:
    • on how to better protect the environment
    • limit the spread of pests
    • responsible pet or boat ownership.

Project update

The early consultation process has been completed.

We will use the feedback from the consultation, mana whenua, stakeholders and technical experts to draft the proposed 10-year plan for how we can protect our natural environment after 2030.

What happens next

You can have your say on our proposed plan once it is completed.

The updated plan will be available on the Environmental plans and strategies page.