Ponderosa Reserve Playground Renewal

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ponderosa playground

What we are proposing

We want to upgrade the Ponderosa Reserve playground in Upper Harbour.

The upgrade will include:

  • renewing the playground equipment
  • accessible play options
  • keeping some flat open space to use as an informal kick-around area
  • some landscaping (including interactive playground boundaries)
  • minor park furniture like seats and benches.

What we want your feedback on

We want to know what you would like to see as part of the upgrade.

Let us know:

  • how you are using the reserve area
  • which of the two playground design concepts you like most.

How you can have your say

You can have your say by:

When you can have your say

You can have your say from Friday, 26 July, to Monday, 19 August 2024.

What happens next

Your feedback will help us choose the final concept design.

What we are proposing

We want to upgrade the Ponderosa Reserve playground in Upper Harbour.

The upgrade will include:

  • renewing the playground equipment
  • accessible play options
  • keeping some flat open space to use as an informal kick-around area
  • some landscaping (including interactive playground boundaries)
  • minor park furniture like seats and benches.

What we want your feedback on

We want to know what you would like to see as part of the upgrade.

Let us know:

  • how you are using the reserve area
  • which of the two playground design concepts you like most.

How you can have your say

You can have your say by:

When you can have your say

You can have your say from Friday, 26 July, to Monday, 19 August 2024.

What happens next

Your feedback will help us choose the final concept design.

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    Your feedback will be published in Auckland Council reports and online. All personal details will remain private.
    For more information, see Is my privacy protected?

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Page published: 26 Jul 2024, 09:09 AM