Draft Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau - Auckland Open Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy

About the draft strategy

Open spaces and sport and recreation help make Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland a healthy city.

They support:

  • oranga tāngata (health of people)
  • oranga whānau (health of families)
  • oranga whenua (health of land)
  • oranga wai (health of water).

Auckland Council, together with other groups and organisations, provides open spaces and sports and recreation opportunities for Aucklanders.

The draft Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau: Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy helps us address Auckland’s current challenges and opportunities.

It makes sure all Aucklanders can benefit from open spaces and sport and recreation opportunities, now and in the future.

Why we need your feedback

This is your chance to share your thoughts on the draft strategy.

We want to know what you think. Are we on the right track? Is there something missing?

What we want your feedback on

There are five topics we would like your feedback on. You can read them all or focus on those of interest to you.

  • Topic 1: Where we are heading.
  • Topic 2: Our approach to investment.
  • Topic 3: Making the most of our open spaces.
  • Topic 4: Providing the right open spaces in the right places.
  • Topic 5: Supporting Aucklanders to be more active more often.

How you can have your say

To have your say, you can:

Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy plan
Auckland Council
Private Bag 92300
Victoria Street West
Auckland, 1142.

When you can have your say

This consultation closed, Monday 10 March, 11.59pm. Thank you to those who had their say.

What happens next

Your feedback will help us consider how we provide and manage open space and recreation in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland.