Phase Two - Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Project Update

Thank you for your feedback on the draft Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Plan.

We received 263 pieces of feedback, providing valuable insights from individuals and groups across our area.

Adopting the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Plan 2020-2023

The final Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Plan 2020-2023 was adopted at our 10 November extraordinary business meeting. An interim copy of the plan is available to view online now. Let us know if you could like us to send you a printed copy. The final plan, including formatting and photographs, will be uploaded to the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board page on the Auckland Council website early next year.

The six plan outcomes are:

  1. Our diverse communities are active, involved and engaged
  2. Te ao Māori is thriving and visible
  3. Our social and physical infrastructure is future-proofed
  4. Our transport choices are accessible, sustainable and safe
  5. Our built, natural and cultural taonga/treasures are protected and celebrated
  6. Our people and businesses prosper economically and socially

Changes made as a result of feedback

  • We received a lot of positive feedback from the community on our draft plan, particularly the focus on te ao Māori, our diverse communities, and improving our natural and built environment. We were pleased to hear we were on the right track, and it shows how valuable it is to get community input early on in the process.
  • As a result of your feedback we strengthened the narrative and objectives around social cohesion and community wellbeing. This was in response to feedback on the social impact of COVID-19 and the importance of recovery.
  • We also strengthened support for our high-needs communities in key development areas as a result of the feedback received from people in Riverside and Oranga.
  • We received strong feedback to investigate a Pasifika Fale to support our growing Pasifika community. This was also identified as an opportunity in our Tāmaki Open Space Network Plan, so we have included a new initiative to work with partners to progress a feasibility study for a Pasifika Fale.
  • We received a lot of feedback that support alternative transport options and better connections. In response we have added a new initiative to advocate to Auckland Transport to improve the bus network; and strengthened our support for active transport.
  • We also emphasised our partnership with the BIDs where possible, noting the importance of our key town centres to recover from the economic impact of COVID-19.
  • We also received lots of ideas for projects we could fund or that we could advocate for when we speak to the Governing Body or our CCOs. As the local board plan is a strategic, direction setting document we have collated these ideas and will refer to them in future when we plan our projects or speak to other parts of council.

What’s next: Auckland Council’s 10-year budget

As well as helping us develop our local board plan for the next three years, and the work programmes to deliver on it, your feedback also helps us to advocate to the Governing Body on issues facing Maungakiekie-Tāmaki.

You’re welcome to register to have your say on the 10-year budget (Long Term Plan), where we’ll be advocating on behalf of Maungakiekie-Tāmaki:

  • for equity and accessibility to be the overarching principles that guide Auckland Council’s decision-making
  • to prioritise the provision of community services in Mt Wellington
  • to continue support for the Ruapōtaka marae relocation and rebuild
  • to support investment in the implementation of the Waikaraka Park Masterplan, including the investigation and design of the motorsport precinct and shared multi-use facilities with sports
  • to retain and bring forward growth funding for the Tāmaki Reserves development
  • to progress the redevelopment of the civic space and community facility in the Panmure town centre
  • for the Local Board Transport Capital Fund to be re-instated to the pre-Emergency Budget level and previously allocated funding to be fully restored.

You can help support our advocacy items by having your say on the 10-year budget (Long Term Plan) from 22 February to 22 March next year.

Nga mihi,

Chris Makoare, Chair
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board

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