Government’s new housing rules: what it means for Auckland

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This consultation closed on 9 May 2022. Thank you for having your say.

  • The council’s preliminary response to the NPS-UD and amendments to the RMA is now outdated and has been superseded by proposed Plan Change 78 – Intensification.
  • Submissions on proposed Plan Change 78 - Intensification (PC78) are open from 18 August to 29 September 2022. You can view the plan change and make a submission here.
  • Submissions are also open on proposed Plan Changes 79-83, which are complementary to PC78, on matters relating to the Auckland Unitary Plan’s Regional Policy Statement, transport and access, historic heritage items, and notable trees. You can view these plan changes and make a submission

We sought feedback on the proposed changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan that we have scope to make limited decisions on. We did not seek feedback on the mandatory changes the Government has directed us to make, such as having walkable catchments or six-storey building heights. See the Government’s new housing rules: What it means for Auckland Consultation Document for detailed information.

We received 7,860 pieces of feedback. These came via our online feedback forms, at virtual Have Your Say events and through email.

We also held 4 online and 2 in-person information sessions where members of the public could hear from the planning team and ask questions before providing feedback.

To view a detailed summary of the consultation feedback read the Summary of Feedback Report.

If you have any questions related to this project, please email us at

For more information about central government's requirements click here.

What is happening now

  • In August and September 2022, you can make a submission on plan change 78 so that your views are considered during the statutory decision-making process. We publicly notified the plan change on 18 August 2022

What happens next

  • Once the submissions process has closed, an Independent Hearings Panel (IHP) will consider all submissions and hear directly from the people who submitted. They will then make recommendations to us on the necessary changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan.
  • We must then decide to accept or reject the IHP recommendations. If a recommendation is rejected, the Minister for the Environment makes the final decision.
  • This statutory process does not allow for appeals to the Environment Court.

This consultation closed on 9 May 2022. Thank you for having your say.

  • The council’s preliminary response to the NPS-UD and amendments to the RMA is now outdated and has been superseded by proposed Plan Change 78 – Intensification.
  • Submissions on proposed Plan Change 78 - Intensification (PC78) are open from 18 August to 29 September 2022. You can view the plan change and make a submission here.
  • Submissions are also open on proposed Plan Changes 79-83, which are complementary to PC78, on matters relating to the Auckland Unitary Plan’s Regional Policy Statement, transport and access, historic heritage items, and notable trees. You can view these plan changes and make a submission

We sought feedback on the proposed changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan that we have scope to make limited decisions on. We did not seek feedback on the mandatory changes the Government has directed us to make, such as having walkable catchments or six-storey building heights. See the Government’s new housing rules: What it means for Auckland Consultation Document for detailed information.

We received 7,860 pieces of feedback. These came via our online feedback forms, at virtual Have Your Say events and through email.

We also held 4 online and 2 in-person information sessions where members of the public could hear from the planning team and ask questions before providing feedback.

To view a detailed summary of the consultation feedback read the Summary of Feedback Report.

If you have any questions related to this project, please email us at

For more information about central government's requirements click here.

What is happening now

  • In August and September 2022, you can make a submission on plan change 78 so that your views are considered during the statutory decision-making process. We publicly notified the plan change on 18 August 2022

What happens next

  • Once the submissions process has closed, an Independent Hearings Panel (IHP) will consider all submissions and hear directly from the people who submitted. They will then make recommendations to us on the necessary changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan.
  • We must then decide to accept or reject the IHP recommendations. If a recommendation is rejected, the Minister for the Environment makes the final decision.
  • This statutory process does not allow for appeals to the Environment Court.
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Previous feedback was received by  Monday 9 May 2022.

    Share You told us what you think of our preliminary response on Facebook Share You told us what you think of our preliminary response on Twitter Share You told us what you think of our preliminary response on Linkedin Email You told us what you think of our preliminary response link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Me tae mai o whakahoki kōrero atu ki te Mane 9 Mei 2022

    E tono ana mātou ki a āta pānuitia e koe te puka kōwhiringa kōrero i mua i to whakautunga i nga poātai e whai ake nei. Mo ētahi kōrero me ngā pātai hei whakautu māi, haere ki

    Ko to inghoa me o kōrero ka uru ki ngā puka tūmatanui. Ko ētahi atu kōrero mōu ka noho tapu tonu.

    For more information, see Is my privacy protected?

    Share Nā ture kāinga hou a te kāwanatanga: Ōna pānga ki a Tāmaki Makaurau (Māori) on Facebook Share Nā ture kāinga hou a te kāwanatanga: Ōna pānga ki a Tāmaki Makaurau (Māori) on Twitter Share Nā ture kāinga hou a te kāwanatanga: Ōna pānga ki a Tāmaki Makaurau (Māori) on Linkedin Email Nā ture kāinga hou a te kāwanatanga: Ōna pānga ki a Tāmaki Makaurau (Māori) link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.




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    Share 政府住房新规: 对奥克兰意味着什么 (Simplified Chinese) on Facebook Share 政府住房新规: 对奥克兰意味着什么 (Simplified Chinese) on Twitter Share 政府住房新规: 对奥克兰意味着什么 (Simplified Chinese) on Linkedin Email 政府住房新规: 对奥克兰意味着什么 (Simplified Chinese) link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    我們強烈建議您先閱讀資訊檔和輔助資訊,再回答以下問題。 更多細節,請前往

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    Share 政府住房新規: 對奧克蘭意味著什麼 (Traditional Chinese) on Facebook Share 政府住房新規: 對奧克蘭意味著什麼 (Traditional Chinese) on Twitter Share 政府住房新規: 對奧克蘭意味著什麼 (Traditional Chinese) on Linkedin Email 政府住房新規: 對奧克蘭意味著什麼 (Traditional Chinese) link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    의견서 제출 마감은 2022  5 9 월요일입니다.

    다음 질문에 답하기 전에 협의안과 관련 정보를 꼭 읽어보시기 바랍니다. 자세한 내용은 인터넷 주소를 보시기 바랍니다.

    귀하의 성명과 의견은 공문서에 수록되나 기타 개인 정보는 모두 보호됩니다.

    For more information, see Is my privacy protected?

    Share 정부의 새로운 주택 규정: 오클랜드에 미치는 영향 (Korean) on Facebook Share 정부의 새로운 주택 규정: 오클랜드에 미치는 영향 (Korean) on Twitter Share 정부의 새로운 주택 규정: 오클랜드에 미치는 영향 (Korean) on Linkedin Email 정부의 새로운 주택 규정: 오클랜드에 미치는 영향 (Korean) link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Kuo pau ke maʻu hoʻo lau fekau‘aki mo e kaveinga ni ‘o ‘oua tōmui ange ʻi he ʻaho Mōnite 9 ʻo Mē 2022.

    ‘Oku mau poupou mālohi atu kiate koe ke lau ‘a e fakamatala ‘o e pepa fepōtalanoa‘akí pea mo e ngaahi fakamatala poupou ki aí kimu‘a hono tali mai e ngaahi fehu‘i ‘oku hoko atu ‘i hení. Ki ha toe fakaikiiki ange, vakai ki he

    Ko ho hingoa̒ pea mo ho‘o fakakaukau̒ ‘e fakakau ia ‘i he ngaahi pepa ‘oku ‘atā ki ai e kakai. Ko hono toe ‘o e ngaahi fakamatala fakafo‘ituitui kehe̒ ‘e tauhi malu ia ‘o ‘ikai tuku atu kitu‘a.

    For more information, see Is my privacy protected?

    Share Ngaahi tu‘utu‘uni fo‘ou ‘a e pule‘anga ki he nofo‘anga: Ko e hā hono ‘uhinga eni ki ‘Okalaní (Tongan) on Facebook Share Ngaahi tu‘utu‘uni fo‘ou ‘a e pule‘anga ki he nofo‘anga: Ko e hā hono ‘uhinga eni ki ‘Okalaní (Tongan) on Twitter Share Ngaahi tu‘utu‘uni fo‘ou ‘a e pule‘anga ki he nofo‘anga: Ko e hā hono ‘uhinga eni ki ‘Okalaní (Tongan) on Linkedin Email Ngaahi tu‘utu‘uni fo‘ou ‘a e pule‘anga ki he nofo‘anga: Ko e hā hono ‘uhinga eni ki ‘Okalaní (Tongan) link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    फ़ीडबैक सोमवार 9 मई, 2022 तक प्राप्त हो जाने चाहिए।.

    निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने से पहले हम ज़ोर देकर आपको परामर्श दस्तावेज़ और सहायक जानकारी को पढ़ने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करते हैं। ज़्यादा जानकारी के लिए पर जाएँ।.

    आपका नाम और फ़ीडबैक सार्वजनिक दस्तावेज़ों में शामिल किया जाएगा। अन्य सभी व्यक्तिगत विवरण निजी रखे जाएँगे।

    For more information, see Is my privacy protected?

    Share सरकार के नए आवासीय आवास नियम: ऑकलैंड के लिए इसका क्या मतलब है (Hindi) on Facebook Share सरकार के नए आवासीय आवास नियम: ऑकलैंड के लिए इसका क्या मतलब है (Hindi) on Twitter Share सरकार के नए आवासीय आवास नियम: ऑकलैंड के लिए इसका क्या मतलब है (Hindi) on Linkedin Email सरकार के नए आवासीय आवास नियम: ऑकलैंड के लिए इसका क्या मतलब है (Hindi) link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    E tatau ona fa’aoo uma mai ni finagalo e fia fa’aalia i le Aso Gafua 9 o Me, 2022.

    Matou te fautuaina malosi lava lou faitau manino lelei i le pepa o fa’amatalaga ma nisi fa’amatalaga mo’omia ao le’i taliina fesili o mulimuli mai. Mo nisi fa’amatalaga, asiasi ane i le itulau

    O lou finagalo ma lou suafa o le’ā fa’ailoa i pepa mo fa’amatalaga lautele.  O isi vaega uma o fa’amatalaga  o oe o le’ā taofia ma e lē fa’ailoaina.

    For more information, see Is my privacy protected?

    Share Tulafono fou a le Faigamālō mo le fa’ateleina o fale: O lona uiga mo i latou o aumau i Aukilani (Samoan) on Facebook Share Tulafono fou a le Faigamālō mo le fa’ateleina o fale: O lona uiga mo i latou o aumau i Aukilani (Samoan) on Twitter Share Tulafono fou a le Faigamālō mo le fa’ateleina o fale: O lona uiga mo i latou o aumau i Aukilani (Samoan) on Linkedin Email Tulafono fou a le Faigamālō mo le fa’ateleina o fale: O lona uiga mo i latou o aumau i Aukilani (Samoan) link
Page last updated: 26 May 2023, 07:43 AM