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Phase one - Henderson-Massey plan update
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Who we heard from
We held 12 events and opportunities for communities to contribute to the Local Board Plan, including some in held in partnership with local community groups and organisations. Thank you to the Waitākere Ethnic Board, Rānui 135 and the Pacific Mamas for your support connecting us with your communities.
We heard many of your views face to face at the Rānui Library, Collaborative Marketplace and at the Waitangi Day celebrations at Hoani Waititi marae.
We also surveyed Henderson-Massey residents through the Auckland People’s Panel, and gathered your ideas here on our ideas hub.
In total we received over 1000 contributions from around 700 people.
What you said
These are some of the key themes we heard from all the feedback received:
- you want more investment in walking and cycling for both commuting and recreation. Access to efficient public transport is also important to you, and was a key issue for rangatahi/young people in Rānui
- you want to live sustainably, and there was strong interest in composting, community gardens and reducing waste. You also wanted to see more clarity around recycling processes
- our facilities, parks and open spaces are well loved but need to be enhanced. You rated our parks and recreation opportunities, but want to see improvements including shade, shelter, and lighting so they may be accessed during all hours
- you want to see local jobs, a greater variety of shops and more support to Māori, Pacific and Ethnic businesses
- you valued the interface with local board members through our engagement events and wanted to continue this. You also wanted to see our board members reaching more diverse sectors of the community through their outreach and public engagement
- continue to support Māori aspirations - those we engaged with valued Waitākere ki tua and wanted to see its aspirations translated to community outcomes. More Māori programming in our facilities, continued opportunities to learn Te Reo, and support that empowered those living in hardship
Our draft plan will aim to address these priorities. Some of the suggestions received were at an operational level rather than strategic e.g. maintenance of x park, and these have been passed on to relevant council teams.
What happens next?
All 21 of Auckland’s Local Boards are developing their new 2020 Local Board Plans based on what we heard and other inputs such as the Auckland Plan 2050, Long Term Plan, and Annual Budget.
We have yet to fully determine the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our communities and it may mean some of our plans and aspirations may need to change as a result. Our response will be delivered via the annual budgeting process but the decisions we make will focus on ensuring the benefits for our community.
In July we will come back to you with an opportunity to have your say on the draft Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan. We will be back in touch when phase two opens.