We want to build a new sports court in Greenhithe that can be used to play netball and basketball.
Proposed locations for the court
We investigated and found three suitable locations for the new court. The options for the new court include:
- two locations in Collins Park
- one in Wainoni Park.
Both these parks are suitable options for the new court because they:
- have enough space
- have shaded areas
- are close to Greenhithe School.
Options for the court
Download information about the proposed options for the court [PDF 1.7 MB]
What we want your feedback on
We want to know:
- what is your preferred location for the court
- anything else you would like us to consider for the Greenhithe court.
When you can have your say
You can have your say from Thursday 20 March to Thursday 17 April 2025.
How you can have your say
To have your say, you can:
- complete our online feedback form
- scan and email your completed form to parksnorthfeedback@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
- post your completed form to:
Greenhithe Courts
Auckland Council
Private Bag 92300
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142.
What happens next
Your feedback will help the local board decide the location for the new court.