The concept plan shows a footpath behind the seawall – will this be delivered as part of this project?
No, this footpath will not be delivered as part of this project. The footpath is shown to indicate where a possible future pathway – formal or informal – could be located to further improve use of the reserve and access to the beach
It is proposed to re-nourish the beach using imported sand in the northern section – will the rest of the beach also have sand added to it? Where is the sand coming from?
Only the northern section will have sand added to it. This is because beach and wave dynamics move sand generally south along the beach over time.
The source of the import sand has not yet been decided. There are several possible sand sources and the one chosen will be the one that overall is most compatible with the existing beach sand composition, with beach processes, and with cultural considerations.
Will there be a boat ramp/boat access?
No, there will be no boat ramp or boat access added to the beachfront. Boat launching facilities will continue to be provided at the Glenbrook Beach Boat Ramp Reserve.
I’m worried about stormwater pooling behind the seawall as there are water issues already in this area with poor stormwater drainage – how will this be addressed?
To mitigate the stormwater issues behind the coastal edge along the northern section (i.e. the existing beach) a combination of land re-contouring and a stormwater collection point (e.g. scruffy dome) is proposed. Land re-contouring is proposed to direct the stormwater into the stormwater collection point, which will be connected to an existing outfall to discharge to sea. Along the proposed seawall along the central and southern sections a combination of land re-contouring and drainage behind the seawall is proposed to direct the water into the sea.
What about the playground next to the beach – what’s happening with that?
The playground is due to be replaced after the seawall works are complete. In 2023 the community will be asked for their input into the playground replacement.
What about the toilets next to the beach – what’s happening with these?
No toilets will be temporarily closed during the project work to replace the seawalls. When it is safe to do so the toilets will again be available for use as normal.
When will this work be done?
It is expected that the seawall works will be undertaken in 2023.
How long will this response last – is it a long term solution? What about climate change and sea level rise?
This project is investigating options to protect the area from coastal erosion over the next 20 to 50 years. Longer term planning to understand and plan for the impacts of sea level rise and climate change on public land and assets over the next 100 years is currently underway through the Shoreline Adaptation Plans work programme. For more information visit.
What happens after this consultation? What are the next steps?
Your feedback will be used to shape the recommendations on the erosion response measures to be put in place at Glenbrook Beach. These recommendations will go to the Franklin Local Board who will decide what mix of measures will be put in place.
Why is council not replacing the seawall along the First Ave section?
The existing structures on the coastal edge of the First Ave section have been privately built on privately-owned land. These structures do not protect public assets or infrastructure such as roads, reserves, or water networks. Council will obtain resource consent for a feasible design of seawall for the First Ave section, appropriate to the coastal processes of that section and of the larger beachfront. Owners of First Ave properties may then choose to use this design or elements of it to construct a seawall on their property.