This consultation closed on Friday 30 July 2021. Thank you for having your say.

We received 108 feedback submissions.

We held four community events to get feedback on the new design of the Eastview Low Traffic Area.

We asked for feedback through:

  • social media
  • printed newspapers
  • local street signage.

In addition, we did two flyer drops to every letterbox in the low traffic area.

Staff also held on-street surveys and sent regular email updates to people who had already submitted feedback.

Key feedback themes

People liked:

  • that drivers were encouraged to slow down
  • that local infrastructure was considered
  • how the road at the end of Eastview was cut off
  • how it became safer and easier to cross roads and turn around in cars
  • that it kept traffic away from schools and children
  • the artwork painted on the road
  • fewer 'boy racers' speeding down the road.

People disliked:

  • the design and colour of the boxes used to block the traffic
  • the loss of carparks on Eastview Road
  • the closure of the northern slip lane between Apirana Avenue and Eastview Road
  • reduced visibility of drivers and pedestrians
  • inconvenience and lack of notice about road changes.

Project update

In June 2024, we let the community know about our plan to make the Eastview Road Low Traffic Area changes permanent. This was at the request of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board.

Local residents have since let us know their concerns around the project reducing the number of on-street parking spaces. Listening to the community, we’ve revised the design.

Design change

We plan to create an angled parking bay within the grass island as part of this project. This change creates four additional on-street parking spaces for locals and visitors to the area.

The plan to make the Eastview Road temporary road changes permanent is still going ahead. The changes include:

  • Closing the northern access from Eastview Road to Apirana Avenue
  • Building out the kerb outside 12 and 14 Eastview Road, and at the Eastview Road and Castledine Crescent intersection
  • Installing a traffic island outside 118 Apirana Avenue, next to the Glen Innes Seventh-day Adventist Church car park entrance
  • Extending the grass island and installing a pedestrian refuge island at the Apirana Avenue and Eastview Road intersection
  • To support the permanent changes, we will also paint new road markings, install new signage, and build new footpaths.

Please click here to see the new design

What happens next

Auckland Transport plans to deliver this project by April 2025.

We know the Glen Innes community has experienced ongoing disruption due to construction. To minimise further disruption, we are coordinating the delivery of this project with other projects in the Glen Innes.

Once we have more information around the start date, we will update you again.

Contractors will contact impacted residents to provide more information about how we will manage traffic before any work starts.