We have already decided to reduce costs by simplifying management structures and sharing resources more across the council group (including Auckland Transport, other council-controlled organisations and Ports of Auckland), with implications including staff reduction.
What we are proposing
Our proposal to save $125 million would also require other reductions.
These include maintaining the currently reduced number of public transport services (as of December 2022) for 2023/2024 to save $21 million.
The reduction of funding to Tātaki Auckland Unlimited to save a further $27.5 million, with effects on service delivery (including economic development and tourism promotion) and pricing at venues it manages such as Auckland Zoo, Auckland Art Gallery, and stadiums and venues in Auckland.
The reduction of regional services such as community and education programmes, arts and culture programmes, regional events, economic development, and other social services activities such as homelessness funding, community empowerment and funding for youth centres to save $20 million.

The reduction of local board funded activities across all boards to save $16 million.
The reduction of regional contestable grants to save $3 million.
No longer directly providing early childhood education services to save $1 million.
Note that a 1 per cent change in general rates is equivalent to around $20 million of revenue for the council.
You should know
This information is an edited version of the Annual Budget 2023/2024.
See page 16 of the Annual Budget 2023/2024 (PDF 12.8MB) for more information.