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Consultation has concluded

Check our consultation and supporting information documents first, as the answer may already be in there:

To find more about our budget, major projects and to read our annual reports, see Our finances.

For information about our costs and staffing levels, remuneration and Value for Money review programme, see Performance and transparency.

Submit your question below and we will respond to you when we can.

You can submit your questions up to 5pm on Friday 24 March 2023.

Check our consultation and supporting information documents first, as the answer may already be in there:

To find more about our budget, major projects and to read our annual reports, see Our finances.

For information about our costs and staffing levels, remuneration and Value for Money review programme, see Performance and transparency.

Submit your question below and we will respond to you when we can.

You can submit your questions up to 5pm on Friday 24 March 2023.

Consultation has concluded
  • Share Hi why is st helliers etc not required to by rubbish bin tags But those in Waitakere have to is this rob the poor to feed the rich ? We are closest to refuse centre yet the others are not and they don't pay for anything Very confused about this.. Shouldn't it either be free to all in Auckland residential or all pay the same ? Seems one sided and unfair.. Simple layman response please on Facebook Share Hi why is st helliers etc not required to by rubbish bin tags But those in Waitakere have to is this rob the poor to feed the rich ? We are closest to refuse centre yet the others are not and they don't pay for anything Very confused about this.. Shouldn't it either be free to all in Auckland residential or all pay the same ? Seems one sided and unfair.. Simple layman response please on Twitter Share Hi why is st helliers etc not required to by rubbish bin tags But those in Waitakere have to is this rob the poor to feed the rich ? We are closest to refuse centre yet the others are not and they don't pay for anything Very confused about this.. Shouldn't it either be free to all in Auckland residential or all pay the same ? Seems one sided and unfair.. Simple layman response please on Linkedin Email Hi why is st helliers etc not required to by rubbish bin tags But those in Waitakere have to is this rob the poor to feed the rich ? We are closest to refuse centre yet the others are not and they don't pay for anything Very confused about this.. Shouldn't it either be free to all in Auckland residential or all pay the same ? Seems one sided and unfair.. Simple layman response please link

    Hi why is st helliers etc not required to by rubbish bin tags But those in Waitakere have to is this rob the poor to feed the rich ? We are closest to refuse centre yet the others are not and they don't pay for anything Very confused about this.. Shouldn't it either be free to all in Auckland residential or all pay the same ? Seems one sided and unfair.. Simple layman response please

    Trainman01 asked over 1 year ago

    Kia ora,

    All Aucklanders pay for refuse collection, they just do so in different ways. Residents of the former Auckland City Council and Manukau City Council pay for their refuse collection via an additional targeted rate of $172.89 that gets added to their annual rates bill. Residents outside of the former Auckland City Council and Manukau City Council pay for their refuse collection via bin tags for the council provided service (or have arranged their own private service).

  • Share I have already submitted a submission on the standard form. I have three other written submissions that I wish to make -each of which has been prepared separately as a word document. Can you please : - confirm I can do this just by sending them as an attachment to an email (and) - the email address I should send them to. Can you also confirm please that when I do so I will receive an acknowledgement that they have been received. (I have experienced difficulties re this in the past when a submission I made went to the wrong section) My name is BRIAN SHARPLIN on Facebook Share I have already submitted a submission on the standard form. I have three other written submissions that I wish to make -each of which has been prepared separately as a word document. Can you please : - confirm I can do this just by sending them as an attachment to an email (and) - the email address I should send them to. Can you also confirm please that when I do so I will receive an acknowledgement that they have been received. (I have experienced difficulties re this in the past when a submission I made went to the wrong section) My name is BRIAN SHARPLIN on Twitter Share I have already submitted a submission on the standard form. I have three other written submissions that I wish to make -each of which has been prepared separately as a word document. Can you please : - confirm I can do this just by sending them as an attachment to an email (and) - the email address I should send them to. Can you also confirm please that when I do so I will receive an acknowledgement that they have been received. (I have experienced difficulties re this in the past when a submission I made went to the wrong section) My name is BRIAN SHARPLIN on Linkedin Email I have already submitted a submission on the standard form. I have three other written submissions that I wish to make -each of which has been prepared separately as a word document. Can you please : - confirm I can do this just by sending them as an attachment to an email (and) - the email address I should send them to. Can you also confirm please that when I do so I will receive an acknowledgement that they have been received. (I have experienced difficulties re this in the past when a submission I made went to the wrong section) My name is BRIAN SHARPLIN link

    I have already submitted a submission on the standard form. I have three other written submissions that I wish to make -each of which has been prepared separately as a word document. Can you please : - confirm I can do this just by sending them as an attachment to an email (and) - the email address I should send them to. Can you also confirm please that when I do so I will receive an acknowledgement that they have been received. (I have experienced difficulties re this in the past when a submission I made went to the wrong section) My name is BRIAN SHARPLIN

    Brian Sharplin asked over 1 year ago

    Kia ora,  

    Thank you for your question.  

    Yes, you can send through additional written submissions as attachments to and they will collate them with your previous response/submission. 

    You will receive an automated acknowledgement from that inbox once received. 

  • Share In the $295m, what is the number proposed to be saved by the rates increase - all I can find is the 4.66% and the $154 per resident. I have studied all the papers and participated in the 1 1/2 hour webinar and cannot find the answer. on Facebook Share In the $295m, what is the number proposed to be saved by the rates increase - all I can find is the 4.66% and the $154 per resident. I have studied all the papers and participated in the 1 1/2 hour webinar and cannot find the answer. on Twitter Share In the $295m, what is the number proposed to be saved by the rates increase - all I can find is the 4.66% and the $154 per resident. I have studied all the papers and participated in the 1 1/2 hour webinar and cannot find the answer. on Linkedin Email In the $295m, what is the number proposed to be saved by the rates increase - all I can find is the 4.66% and the $154 per resident. I have studied all the papers and participated in the 1 1/2 hour webinar and cannot find the answer. link

    In the $295m, what is the number proposed to be saved by the rates increase - all I can find is the 4.66% and the $154 per resident. I have studied all the papers and participated in the 1 1/2 hour webinar and cannot find the answer.

    dave.allen asked over 1 year ago

    Kia ora,

    Rates are a source of income.

    Rates income is projected to be higher than what was planned in the 10-year Budget as a result of the introduction of the Climate Action Targeted Rate from 2022/2023 and the 7% general rates increase proposed for 2023/2024 as a part of the mix of mitigations to address the budget challenge. This is partially offset by the temporary reduction proposed to the Water Quality Targeted Rate and Natural Environment Targeted Rate for 2023/2024

    The overall impact of this is a $71 million lift in rates income for 2023/2034 when compared with that year forecast in the 10-year-budget and this is, among other places, illustrated on page 47 of the Consultation Document.

  • Share I hope that Public Libraries are Out of Bound with any proposed changes. We need our local libraries and our Librarians who are dedicated to their jobs and play an important part in our communities. Our Libraries are a most important resource and should be respected as such. All ages use our libraries If cuts must be made maybe the Mayor and Councillors need to look at their pay rates. on Facebook Share I hope that Public Libraries are Out of Bound with any proposed changes. We need our local libraries and our Librarians who are dedicated to their jobs and play an important part in our communities. Our Libraries are a most important resource and should be respected as such. All ages use our libraries If cuts must be made maybe the Mayor and Councillors need to look at their pay rates. on Twitter Share I hope that Public Libraries are Out of Bound with any proposed changes. We need our local libraries and our Librarians who are dedicated to their jobs and play an important part in our communities. Our Libraries are a most important resource and should be respected as such. All ages use our libraries If cuts must be made maybe the Mayor and Councillors need to look at their pay rates. on Linkedin Email I hope that Public Libraries are Out of Bound with any proposed changes. We need our local libraries and our Librarians who are dedicated to their jobs and play an important part in our communities. Our Libraries are a most important resource and should be respected as such. All ages use our libraries If cuts must be made maybe the Mayor and Councillors need to look at their pay rates. link

    I hope that Public Libraries are Out of Bound with any proposed changes. We need our local libraries and our Librarians who are dedicated to their jobs and play an important part in our communities. Our Libraries are a most important resource and should be respected as such. All ages use our libraries If cuts must be made maybe the Mayor and Councillors need to look at their pay rates.

    Juneo asked over 1 year ago

    Kia ora,

    There are a wide range of impacts on libraries included in the budget, including major spending for renewals, maintenance and improvements of some libraries as well as proposed changes to opening hours or services offered at some libraries. 

    The council’s proposed response to mitigate the budget pressures for 2023/2024 includes a proposed reduction of $16 million to local board operational funding.  This will result in a significant reduction in spending on local services which could include library hours.

    We value your further feedback on this. 

  • Share As a homeowner and resident in Papatoetoe, I have been informed that a Fitness Centre will be built and established on the Papatoetoe Recreation Grounds. Is this true? The grass on the fields are under renovated with new grass, which is awesome. I actually live next to those fields. Great for us and the community. Could you please confirm. Thank You. on Facebook Share As a homeowner and resident in Papatoetoe, I have been informed that a Fitness Centre will be built and established on the Papatoetoe Recreation Grounds. Is this true? The grass on the fields are under renovated with new grass, which is awesome. I actually live next to those fields. Great for us and the community. Could you please confirm. Thank You. on Twitter Share As a homeowner and resident in Papatoetoe, I have been informed that a Fitness Centre will be built and established on the Papatoetoe Recreation Grounds. Is this true? The grass on the fields are under renovated with new grass, which is awesome. I actually live next to those fields. Great for us and the community. Could you please confirm. Thank You. on Linkedin Email As a homeowner and resident in Papatoetoe, I have been informed that a Fitness Centre will be built and established on the Papatoetoe Recreation Grounds. Is this true? The grass on the fields are under renovated with new grass, which is awesome. I actually live next to those fields. Great for us and the community. Could you please confirm. Thank You. link

    As a homeowner and resident in Papatoetoe, I have been informed that a Fitness Centre will be built and established on the Papatoetoe Recreation Grounds. Is this true? The grass on the fields are under renovated with new grass, which is awesome. I actually live next to those fields. Great for us and the community. Could you please confirm. Thank You.

    Henz274 asked over 1 year ago

    Kia ora,

    There is to be an “outdoor gym” (the installation of recreational fitness stations around at the park) in our works programme funded by the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board as well as external funding. The outdoor gym is to be installed on the rugby end of the park. The are no plans for a Fitness Centre on this site.

  • Share Question from Pollok Market event - where is the CATR going in Franklin? (in relation to buses) on Facebook Share Question from Pollok Market event - where is the CATR going in Franklin? (in relation to buses) on Twitter Share Question from Pollok Market event - where is the CATR going in Franklin? (in relation to buses) on Linkedin Email Question from Pollok Market event - where is the CATR going in Franklin? (in relation to buses) link

    Question from Pollok Market event - where is the CATR going in Franklin? (in relation to buses)

    over 1 year ago

    Kia ora,

    The link to the latest information on this is below (included in the annual budget consultation document) 

  • Share Does the Council own WATERCARE? Today we hear of the 10% increase in Watercare fees? Where in the Consultation Document is the budget proposal for household water? on Facebook Share Does the Council own WATERCARE? Today we hear of the 10% increase in Watercare fees? Where in the Consultation Document is the budget proposal for household water? on Twitter Share Does the Council own WATERCARE? Today we hear of the 10% increase in Watercare fees? Where in the Consultation Document is the budget proposal for household water? on Linkedin Email Does the Council own WATERCARE? Today we hear of the 10% increase in Watercare fees? Where in the Consultation Document is the budget proposal for household water? link

    Does the Council own WATERCARE? Today we hear of the 10% increase in Watercare fees? Where in the Consultation Document is the budget proposal for household water?

    Alan Shirley asked over 1 year ago

    Kia ora,

    Yes, Watercare is a council-controlled organisation, wholly owned by Auckland Council. 

    Watercare board of directors has confirmed Auckland’s water and wastewater service prices will increase by 9.5% from 1 July 2023. This follows the price path approved by the board of directors in December 2020 and included in Auckland Council’s Long-Term Plan which was formally adopted in June 2021, after public consultation. Water and wastewater service charges will increase by 9.5% on 1 July 2023, while infrastructure growth charges will rise by 8%. The price for 1000 litres of water will go from $1.825 to $1.998, while 1000 litres of wastewater will go from $3.174 to $3.476. The fixed wastewater charge will go from $264 a year to $289. In real terms, households with average water use will pay about $2.20 more per week

    Watercare’s financials are outlined on pages 42-44 of the Consultation Document and include income and expenditure. 

  • Share Is there any detail about the savings from "management structures and sharing resources across the "council group""? Your quoted fall back measures are 1. Increased Borrowing and 2. Increase in Rates. Why cannot further savings in "Management structure and sharing resources --" be made? People, accommodation, activities, transport, remuneration etc all might be dissected and reduced. Can we see the specific plan? on Facebook Share Is there any detail about the savings from "management structures and sharing resources across the "council group""? Your quoted fall back measures are 1. Increased Borrowing and 2. Increase in Rates. Why cannot further savings in "Management structure and sharing resources --" be made? People, accommodation, activities, transport, remuneration etc all might be dissected and reduced. Can we see the specific plan? on Twitter Share Is there any detail about the savings from "management structures and sharing resources across the "council group""? Your quoted fall back measures are 1. Increased Borrowing and 2. Increase in Rates. Why cannot further savings in "Management structure and sharing resources --" be made? People, accommodation, activities, transport, remuneration etc all might be dissected and reduced. Can we see the specific plan? on Linkedin Email Is there any detail about the savings from "management structures and sharing resources across the "council group""? Your quoted fall back measures are 1. Increased Borrowing and 2. Increase in Rates. Why cannot further savings in "Management structure and sharing resources --" be made? People, accommodation, activities, transport, remuneration etc all might be dissected and reduced. Can we see the specific plan? link

    Is there any detail about the savings from "management structures and sharing resources across the "council group""? Your quoted fall back measures are 1. Increased Borrowing and 2. Increase in Rates. Why cannot further savings in "Management structure and sharing resources --" be made? People, accommodation, activities, transport, remuneration etc all might be dissected and reduced. Can we see the specific plan?

    Alan Shirley asked over 1 year ago

    Kia ora,

    Page 30 of the Consultation Document outlines the proposed $55 million of cost reductions in Auckland Council activities, including proposals we want your feedback on. This is on top of significant savings achieved in previous budgets and continuing work to fully achieve the $90 million savings target set in the 10-year Budget 2021-2031.

    While some capacity for reductions to staff costs will always exist, operating expenditure on staff is primarily a function of the quantity and quality of the services delivered and how these services are delivered. Budget reductions are increasingly impacting service levels and therefore further staff reductions are likely to have service impacts. 

  • Share What proportion of total Council expenditure is personnel costs? Under the proposed budget by how much will that change? on Facebook Share What proportion of total Council expenditure is personnel costs? Under the proposed budget by how much will that change? on Twitter Share What proportion of total Council expenditure is personnel costs? Under the proposed budget by how much will that change? on Linkedin Email What proportion of total Council expenditure is personnel costs? Under the proposed budget by how much will that change? link

    What proportion of total Council expenditure is personnel costs? Under the proposed budget by how much will that change?

    Nick H asked over 1 year ago

    Kia ora,

    Before allocating any cost savings, the proportion of the budgeted employee benefits for the FY24 year, over total operating expenditure is 22%.

    In the proposed budget, this proportion is also 22%, as, while there are significant proposed savings in employee benefits, these are matched by savings in other expenditure and by significant interest savings from the reduction in debt from the proposed sale of Auckland Airport shares.

    The allocation of the savings is based on our initial review of where those savings can be achieved, and this will be refined as we work through identifying the savings opportunities and as the Governing Body finalises the Annual Plan 2023/24 after feedback from the consultation process.

  • Share I am confused about the 2023/2024 budget's treatment of debt. On one hand, we are looking at selling shares in the airport to pay down debt by over $1B but then we're also looking at taking out new loans of $75M. Am I misunderstanding the situation? Why do we need to take out new debt rather than pay down less of it with the proceeds of the airport shares. on Facebook Share I am confused about the 2023/2024 budget's treatment of debt. On one hand, we are looking at selling shares in the airport to pay down debt by over $1B but then we're also looking at taking out new loans of $75M. Am I misunderstanding the situation? Why do we need to take out new debt rather than pay down less of it with the proceeds of the airport shares. on Twitter Share I am confused about the 2023/2024 budget's treatment of debt. On one hand, we are looking at selling shares in the airport to pay down debt by over $1B but then we're also looking at taking out new loans of $75M. Am I misunderstanding the situation? Why do we need to take out new debt rather than pay down less of it with the proceeds of the airport shares. on Linkedin Email I am confused about the 2023/2024 budget's treatment of debt. On one hand, we are looking at selling shares in the airport to pay down debt by over $1B but then we're also looking at taking out new loans of $75M. Am I misunderstanding the situation? Why do we need to take out new debt rather than pay down less of it with the proceeds of the airport shares. link

    I am confused about the 2023/2024 budget's treatment of debt. On one hand, we are looking at selling shares in the airport to pay down debt by over $1B but then we're also looking at taking out new loans of $75M. Am I misunderstanding the situation? Why do we need to take out new debt rather than pay down less of it with the proceeds of the airport shares.

    CWalkin asked over 1 year ago

    Kia ora, 

    Thanks for your question. 

    While these two proposals are separate,  you are correct about the overall effect.

    There is one proposal to sell all of the airport shares and use the proceeds to reduce debt (estimated at around $1.9 billion). The aim of this is to substantially reduce our annual interest costs.

    The council is also proposing a limited use of additional borrowing (up to $75 million) to fund some of the investment we were otherwise planning to pay for with operating revenue, so that the operating revenue can be used to cover our shortfall.

    While these two proposals are separate, you are correct that the net effect should both proposals proceed will be a debt reduction of slightly less than the proceeds from the airport sale.