Ask us a question about the annual plan

This is your opportunity to ask us any questions you might have about the Annual Plan 2025/2026.

Check our consultation and supporting information documents first, as the answer might be in there:

Submit your question

Ask a question and we will try to respond within four business days.

You can submit your questions until 11.59pm on Friday 28 March 2025.

Provide a short summary of your question.

You have 150 characters left

Provide detailed information relating to your question.

You have 500 characters left

Select a respondent from the list that you would most like to answer your question.

Moderation Policy

These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Annual plan project team

{{ question.username }} asked


{{ }}
| Edited

Answer this question

Select the respondent who will be marked as answering the question

Provide the answer to the question. Answer can be saved as draft and published when complete.

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